Whether you're stuck in traffic, on your bike, or just chilling on the couch, 95bFM Drive will get you where you wanna be! Brought to you by The Beer Spot.
Milly has a cruisy one here on Drive featuring guests from Chris Fowley of the Hempstore, to Paul Whiley from Darling on Drake, and Hemi Hemingway. You are in for a right treat!
Featuring a chat with Kédu, That's The Spirit, and an interview with Goodspace ahead of the opening of their installation in Lim Chhour on Karangahape Road called Vendor.
It's Drive Island! 95bFM makes the trip down to the Ellen Melville Centre to rock out to Elisa and Buzz thanks to McLeodsand NZ On Air Music! Huge thanks to the bands, everyone who came down for a dance, to our awesome volunteers, and to Rick Breeze who stopped the rain just in time! Ngā mihi to The Beer Spot.
This week Milly is joined by Chris from the Hempstore for Marijuana Media, as well as Te Aorangi Murphy-Fell chatting about his new book Ngā Hapa Reo. Lots of great tunes and moments to be had.
Tuva'a has returned! Featuring Flicks 'n' That with Steve Newall, an interview with Sam V about the recent SUSO finals and puoro from artists playing at the Waiata Mai fundraiser for What's Cooking.
Featuring Friday Live with Teddyyy brought to you by McLeod's Breweryand NZ on Air Music, and a guest interview with Glitz Club ahead of the Phys Ed Show at Whammy Bar.
Josh Aoraki joins Rosetta and Nick for Spaced Out. The trio chat about the impending arrival of the 'Blue Ghost Lunar Lander' Josh also hypes the team up for Stardome's upcoming Mars Month.
Listen back to hear Kaitlyn's chat with Americana folk singer Simon Joyner, discussing his recent tour of Aotearoa, new music and the upcoming Port Noise festival in Ōhinehou. Whakarongo mai nei!
Minnie and Nat of There's A Tuesday serenade us with a couple of stunning unplugged tracks for Valentine's Day Friday Live! Listen back and be ready to swoon.
Simon Grigg chats to Rosetta about the influence of the Harlequin recording studio and the career of Doug Rogers. Check out Simon Grigg's six-part series on the AudioCulture website here.