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Marina Zispin - Deep Blue

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Volunteer at 95bFM

We're always looking for people to join our bFM Fambly. 


Volunteers have been the backbone of our station for our entire 56-year history, and dozens, if not hundreds, of former bFM volunteers have found careers in music, broadcasting, and related pursuits. 

But that’s just a bonus. We’re looking for people who want to contribute to a broadcasting icon, and aren’t just looking to get famous. People who appreciate our values of independent thinking, authenticity, and creativity. Basically, people who listen to bFM.

Fill out this form, and we'll email you an invite to our next introductory evening:





* indicates required
/ /( dd / mm / yyyy )
Are you a student?
How would you like to be invovled?
  • bReview Writing (Music/Theatre/Comedy)
  • Graphic Design
  • Music
  • Production