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The 95bFM Top Ten

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

This wk Last wk Artist Title NZ Artist
1 - Vera Ellen sangria (demo)
2 - Lisa Crawley What You Can Do
3 - Tom Lark Fuselage
4 - Swallow the Rat Face Unpopular
5 - Reb Fountain Nothing Like
6 - Mim Jensen Past Life
8 10 Voom TROUBLE
9 4 Mammalien I Don't Want to Live on This Planet Anymore
10 - Elliott Dawson Speaking Frankly

Vote for the Top 10

Use the form below to vote for one of last week's entries, or enter another act from the playlist. Name and email address are mandatory (to make sure you're legit).

Text instructions

To vote by text message, text vote followed by the name of the band or artist to 5395 from your mobile phone (txts cost 20 cents).
Eg. vote the brunettes
Add your bCard number at the end if you wish.
Eg. vote the brunettes 1234