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The Global Refugee Crisis w/ senior lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the University of Auckland, Dr Ritesh Shah: 24th June, 2024

The Global Refugee Crisis w/ senior lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the University of Auckland, Dr Ritesh Shah: 24th June, 2024 The Global Refugee Crisis w/ senior lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the University of Auckland, Dr Ritesh Shah: 24th June, 2024, 7.17 MB
Mon 24 Jun 2024

The UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency, recorded that 117.3 million people were forcibly displaced at the end of 2023 due to conflict, violence, or climate-related disasters - a record number. 

In light of World Refugee Day last week, Dr Ritesh Shah, a senior lecturer of comparative and international education in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Auckland, says that the global refugee crisis is a symptom of a failed global system. 

Host Sofia Roger Williams spoke to Ritesh about the 1951 UN Refugee Convention, which provides the internationally recognized definition of a refugee and outlines the legal protection, rights and assistance a refugee is entitled to receive, as well as the global refugee crisis more generally.

Wells Fargo and the ethics of monitoring employees’ computers w/ the University of Auckland’s Dr Emmy van Esch: 20 June, 2024

Wells Fargo and the ethics of monitoring employees’ computers w/ the University of Auckland’s Dr Emmy van Esch: 20 June, 2024 Wells Fargo and the ethics of monitoring employees’ computers w/ the University of Auckland’s Dr Emmy van Esch: 20 June, 2024, 4.12 MB
Thu 20 Jun 2024

Last week United States bank Wells Fargo made headlines for firing a dozen employees who were caught faking working from home.

Wells Fargo has started monitoring employees' computers which showed software being used to establish fake activity from employees’ computers.

Wire Host Caeden spoke to the University of Auckland’s Dr Emmy van Esch about this Wells Fargo example and the ethics of monitoring employees' computers more generally.

Why New Zealand needs to change our approach to climate migration w/ World Vision’s Dr Olivia Yates: 20 June, 2024

Why New Zealand needs to change our approach to climate migration w/ World Vision’s Dr Olivia Yates: 20 June, 2024 Why New Zealand needs to change our approach to climate migration w/ World Vision’s Dr Olivia Yates: 20 June, 2024, 11.54 MB
Thu 20 Jun 2024

New Zealand recognises the threat of climate change to Pacific nations but this is not reflected in our immigration policies.

As environmental disasters increasingly impact the pacific, many are calling for these laws to be reviewed to make migration more accessible.

Wire Host Caeden spoke about this issue with World Vision’s Dr Olivia Yates. They started by asking why there is a need to introduce new immigration policy relating to climate change in the Pacific.

The Indigenous Kanak’s fight for the decolonisation of New Caledonia w/ Kanak Youth Co-ordinator Viro Xulue: 20 June, 2024

The Indigenous Kanak’s fight for the decolonisation of New Caledonia w/ Kanak Youth Co-ordinator Viro Xulue: 20 June, 2024 The Indigenous Kanak’s fight for the decolonisation of New Caledonia w/ Kanak Youth Co-ordinator Viro Xulue: 20 June, 2024, 8.88 MB
Thu 20 Jun 2024

New Caledonia has been dominating headlines recently for ongoing riots and indigenous opposition against an attempt from France to tighten their political control over the territory. 

Wire Host Caeden spoke to indigenous Kanak youth co-ordinator Viro Xulue about recent developments in their fight against French rule on this issue and more generally.

We also spoke about his comments that New Zealanders, especially Māori, should be standing in solidarity with the Kanak people.

He encourages everyone to write to their MPs in support of New Caledonian independence from France and to also organise and attend rallies for this cause. 

They started by asking what the current situation is.

Rural Schools and Urban Sprawl w/ Dr Jennifer Tatebe: June 20, 2024

Rural Schools and Urban Sprawl w/ Dr Jennifer Tatebe: June 20, 2024 Rural Schools and Urban Sprawl w/ Dr Jennifer Tatebe: June 20, 2024, 9.68 MB
Thu 20 Jun 2024

The rising cost of living in Aotearoa is pushing many families out of cities and bringing them to smaller rural communities and towns. 

The influx of new residents and housing developments in these areas is having a massive impact on the schools and teachers within those communities, reshaping the identity of the schools and the way they structure themselves. 

Oto spoke to Dr Jennifer Tatebe, a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Auckland, to discuss the impacts of urbanisation on rural schools.

Winston Peters won’t rush deciding on banning Greyhound Racing w/ SAFE Campaigns Manager Emma Brodier: 19 June, 2024

Winston Peters won’t rush deciding on banning Greyhound Racing w/ SAFE Campaigns Manager Emma Brodier: 19 June, 2024 Winston Peters won’t rush deciding on banning Greyhound Racing w/ SAFE Campaigns Manager Emma Brodier: 19 June, 2024, 6.13 MB
Thu 20 Jun 2024

Yesterday Minister for Racing Winston Peters told a select committee he would not rush a decision on whether Greyhound racing will be banned or not.

He cited the potential legal ramifications of a ban and also made the comment ‘dogs love racing.’

Wire host Caeden spoke to Campaign Manager for the Animal Rights group SAFE, Emma Brodier, about this delay in making a decision on a ban. 

They started by asking about SAFE’s thoughts on Peters’ more controversial comments.

The Wire w/ Caeden: 19 June, 2024

The Wire w/ Caeden: 19 June, 2024 The Wire w/ Caeden: 19 June, 2024, 53.91 MB
Wed 19 Jun 2024

For our regular catch-up, temporary Wire host Caeden speaks to the Green Party’s Ricardo Menéndez March about scrutiny week and the high number of people leaving Aotearoa.

They also speak to SAFE’s Emma Brodie about the Government’s delay on banning Greyhound racing.

Producer Rawan spoke with Dr Laura Revell from the University of Canterbury about a new international study showing the harmful impacts of old satellites on the ozone layer.

She also spoke with Senior human rights advisor Oliver Christeller from the Human rights commission about the importance of including the ethnicity pay gap in the conversation.

For this Week’s Get Action! Producer Oto spoke to Alex Johnston from Common Grace Aotearoa, to talk about a petition of his calling for the government to end carbon offset subsidies to polluting industries.

Ethnicity Pay Gap w/ Oliver Christeller from the Human Rights Commission: 19th June 2024

Ethnicity Pay Gap w/ Oliver Christeller from the Human Rights Commission: 19th June 2024 Ethnicity Pay Gap w/ Oliver Christeller from the Human Rights Commission: 19th June 2024 , 18.32 MB
Wed 19 Jun 2024

The current coalition government has decided not to implement Labour’s plans to do mandatory reporting for pay gaps with companies that have more than 250 employees. 

Instead they will introduce a voluntary tool for companies to use in order to determine Gender pay gaps.

Rawan spoke with Senior human rights advisor Oliver Christeller from the Human rights commission about what this tool is and what the benefits could be. 

They also talked about the Commissioners' call to include ethnicity pay gap into the conversation. They discussed the current state of the ethnicity pay gap and why there needs to be an increased focus on this now more than ever.

Potential Impact of Old Satellites on Ozone Recovery w/ Dr Laura Revell: 19th June 2024

Potential Impact of Old Satellites on Ozone Recovery w/ Dr Laura Revell: 19th June 2024 Potential Impact of Old Satellites on Ozone Recovery w/ Dr Laura Revell: 19th June 2024, 8.32 MB
Wed 19 Jun 2024

A new international study has recently been published showing the potential harmful impacts of old satellites on the ozone layer. 

The study concluded that the increase of old satellites orbiting the earth might seriously harm the recovery of the ozone layer.

This morning Rawan spoke with Dr Laura Revell from the school of physics and chemical science at the University of Canterbury about this new research. 

They discuss what the state of the ozone currently is and how exactly these old satellites will impact its recovery. 

They then talk about what we can expect in the short and long term and what precautions need to be taken to address these issues.

Scrutiny week and the high number of people leaving Aotearoa w/ the Green Party’s Ricardo Menéndez March: 19 June, 2024

Scrutiny week and the high number of people leaving Aotearoa w/ the Green Party’s Ricardo Menéndez March: 19 June, 2024 Scrutiny week and the high number of people leaving Aotearoa w/ the Green Party’s Ricardo Menéndez March: 19 June, 2024, 8.12 MB
Wed 19 Jun 2024

This week is scrutiny week in Parliament. This is a chance for the opposition to question relevant Ministers about the budget in select committees, and for the public to see the inner workings of government questioned in an accessible way. 

Some of the headlines to have come out of this week include discussions of New Zealand failing to uphold climate commitments, supporting media, and what makes this country liveable in light of the high numbers of New Zealanders moving overseas.

For our weekly catch-up with Green Party MP Ricardo Menéndez March Wire host Caeden asks about all these topics. 

They started by asking about what scrutiny week means.