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Underfunding and overcrowding in Aoteaora’s health system w/ Executive Director of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists, Sarah Dalton: 1st August, 2024

Underfunding and overcrowding in Aoteaora’s health system w/ Executive Director of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists, Sarah Dalton: 1st August, 2024 Underfunding and overcrowding in Aoteaora’s health system w/ Executive Director of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists, Sarah Dalton: 1st August, 2024, 10.92 MB
Thu 1 Aug 2024

The health system in Aotearoa has experienced issues of overcrowding and underfunding since before the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. While the current government campaigned last year on increasing funding to the health sector, most of this funding went to Pharmac and providing new cancer drugs.

Despite staff shortages in the health sector, the government has continually criticised what they claim is an overspend and poor budgeting. The new health commissioner, Lester Levy, went as far to describe the system as ‘bloated’, with similar criticisms from Prime Minister Christopher Luxon in his descriptions of ‘fourteen layers of bureaucracy.’ 

Tuesday Wire host Castor spoke to the executive director of the association of salaried medical specialists, Sarah Dalton, about staffing issues in the health sector and how the government can address them.

Tax Cuts for Gaza w/ Hayden Eastmond-Mein: July 31, 2024

Tax Cuts for Gaza w/ Hayden Eastmond-Mein: July 31, 2024 Tax Cuts for Gaza w/ Hayden Eastmond-Mein: July 31, 2024, 12.12 MB
Wed 31 Jul 2024

As a result of Israel’s war on Gaza, almost 2 million people in the Gaza strip are at risk of famine and disease and are in urgent need of food and medical aid, as a result of Israel’s mass destruction of civilian infrastructure. 

This is on top of the 39,400 Palestinians who have been killed throughout the course of the conflict. 

With the government set to implement it’s new tax cut policy today, a campaign was launched by organiser Hayden Eastmond-Mein calling for Kiwis to donate their tax cuts for to aid organisations in Gaza, aptly named “Give your tax cut to Gaza”. 

Hayden came down to the station earlier today to tell us about the campaign and how Kiwis can donate their tax cuts.

If you're interested, you can donate to the campaign here:

New Zealand renting increasingly Unaffordable w/ Greg Waite 31st July 2024

New Zealand renting increasingly unaffordable w Greg Waite 31st July 2024 31 July 2024.mp3 mp3, 26.97 MB
Wed 31 Jul 2024

The Child Poverty Action Group is calling for better monitoring of private rentals, as new research reveals the share of affordable rentals has decreased significantly over the last five years.

However the national trend saw a consistent share of private rental housing in Auckland and Christchurch compared to other regions, this in part is due to increased home projects in those regions.

The Child Poverty Action Group is advocating for the need to increase public housing builds in all regions, stating the government prioritises one and two bedroom housing over other rental housing. Sasha spoke to Greg Waite of the Child Poverty Action Group about the decrease of affordable rental shares.

The Wire w/ Oto: 31 July, 2024

The Wire w/ Oto: 31 July, 2024 The Wire w/ Oto: 31 July, 2024, 114.4 MB
Wed 31 Jul 2024

For their regular catch-up, Oto spoke to the Green Party’s Ricardo Menéndez March about resignation of the party’s key Pasifika members following the investigation of former MP Darleen Tana, as well as the changes to the government’s child poverty reduction targets.

He spoke to Hayden Eastmond-Mein, an organiser discussing a campaign of his calling for New Zealanders to donate their tax cuts to fund aid in Gaza

He spoke to Emmy Rākete from the University of Auckland to discuss how the abuse in care inquiry unveiled a care-to-prison pipeline for Māori Rangatahi.

And for this week’s Get Action! He spoke to Synteche Collins from End Child Prostitution and Trafficking, talking to us about a petition calling for a dedicated helpline for survivors of exploitation.

Sasha spoke to Greg Waite of the Child Poverty Action Group to discuss the decrease of affordable rental shares and the need to develop more public housing.

Weekly Catchup w/ the Green Party’s Ricardo Menéndez-March: 31 July, 2024

Weekly Catchup w/ the Green Party’s Ricardo Menéndez-March: 31 July, 2024 Weekly Catchup w/ the Green Party’s Ricardo Menéndez-March: 31 July, 2024, 22.08 MB
Wed 31 Jul 2024

Earlier this week, a number of leaders în the Green party’s Pasifika Greens group announced their resignation. The now former MPs, namely: Marie Laufiso, Alofa Aiono, and Vasemaca (vah-seh-mah-tha) Tavola released issued a joint letter saying that they felt culturally disempowered by the party’s treatment of former MP Darleen Tana, who they say was treated too harshly during while under investigation for allegations of migrant worker exploitation at her husband’s business.

The resigning MPs also said that they were not properly convened with or reached out to by Green Party leaders following the passing of late-MP Fa’anānā Efeso Collins, a prominent Pasifika member of the Greens and representative of the Pasifika community of Tamaki Makaurau.

For their weekly catch up, Oto spoke to Green party MP Ricardo Menendez-March about the resignation and statements made by the Pasifika Greens members. 

They also had a chat about the government’s changes to child poverty reduction targets and the Green Party's open call to the government on behalf of renters.

Get Action! Establish a dedicated trafficking and exploitation helpline w Synteche Collins: 31 July, 2024

Get Action! Establish a dedicated trafficking and exploitation helpline w Synteche Collins: 31 July, 2024 Get Action! Establish a dedicated trafficking and exploitation helpline w Synteche Collins: 31 July, 2024, 14.66 MB
Wed 31 Jul 2024

The most recent figures from the Global slavery index estimated that there were 8,000 people in Aotearoa who were victims of some form of labour exploitation and who legally fit the definition of being modern day slaves.

In spite of this, there are alarming gaps in providing victims of exploitation and trafficking with the resources they need to get assistance from organisations such as police, medical agencies and helplines. 

For this week’s Get Action! Oto spoke to Synteche Collins, acting director of the NGO End Child Prostitution and Trafficking, talking to us about a petition of the organisation calling for the New Zealand government to establish an official helpline for victims of exploitation and trafficking.

If you're interesed, you can sign the petition here:

The Care-to-Prison Pipeline w/ Dr Emmy Rākete: 31st July, 2024

The Care-to-Prison Pipeline w/ Dr Emmy Rākete: 31st July, 2024 The Care-to-Prison Pipeline w/ Dr Emmy Rākete: 31st July, 2024, 27.71 MB
Wed 31 Jul 2024

The final report in the Royal Commission’s Abuse in Care Inquiry, investigating incidents of abuse in state and faith-based institutions between 1950 and 2000, found that Māori had been largely and disproportionately mistreated while in state care. 

Speaking to the wire today, Professor and Criminologist Emmy Rākete from the University of Auckland talked to us about how abuse in state care led to the further incarceration of rangatahi Māori later on in their lives, creating what she called a state-to-care prison pipeline.

Abuse in state care report and education funding allocations w/ the National party’s Katie Nimon: 30th July, 2024

Abuse in state care report and education funding allocations w/ the National party’s Katie Nimon: 30th July, 2024 Abuse in state care report and education funding allocations w/ the National party’s Katie Nimon: 30th July, 2024, 9 MB
Tue 30 Jul 2024

The final report from the abuse in state care inquiry was published on Wednesday, 24th July. The report discussed historic and present issues of abuse in state care, particularly how it affects marginalised groups such as Māori, Pasifika, and disabled children and young people. The report then provided several recommendations to parliament on potential policy or funding changes. 

In our weekly catchup with the National party’s Katie Nimon, Wire host Castor asked her about these recommendations and how the government would respond to the report. 

The government also recently made the decision to put some new school developments on hold. These developments, initially proposed to address overcrowding in schools across the country, have been split into three groups, with some going ahead as planned, others going ahead with small changes, and others put on hold indefinitely. 

This decision has met criticism from teachers and principals, particularly due to existing overcrowding issues. While the schools with the highest need will still receive the necessary developments, others slightly lower on the priority list will have to wait. 

For our weekly catchup with the National Party Castor spoke to Katie Nimon about both of these issues, starting with the abuse in state care report.  

Dropping Seven Million Kūtai into the Hauraki Gulf w/ Chief Executive for the Ngāti Manuhere Settlement Trust, Nicola Macdonald

Dropping Seven Million Kūtai into the Hauraki Gulf w/ Chief Executive for the Ngāti Manuhere Settlement Trust, Nicola Macdonald Dropping Seven Million Kūtai into the Hauraki Gulf w/ Chief Executive for the Ngāti Manuhere Settlement Trust, Nicola Macdonald, 15.13 MB
Tue 30 Jul 2024

On the 29th July, 2024, Ngāti Manuhere Settlement Trust, in partnership with Revive our Gulf and the University of Auckland, dropped seven million kūtai, green-lipped mussels, into the Hauraki Gulf.

This comes as part of an initiative to restore the depleted kūtai population in the Hauraki Gulf. It is hoped that restoring these reefs will have a significant positive impact in reversing human-caused damage to the gulf and it's ecosystems.

Kūtai are vital in providing shelter, food, and protection to local species, but their resources have been depleted due to human activities such as dredging.

Producer Josef spoke to the Chief Executive for the Ngāti Manuhere Settlement Trust, Nicola Macdonald, about the initiative, what it means for the Gulf, and how similar schemes can be implemented across Aotearoa.


Education funding for classroom developments and charter schools w/ Post Primary Teachers Association junior vice president Kieran Gainsford: 30th July, 2024

Education funding for classroom developments and charter schools w/ Post Primary Teachers Association junior vice president Kieran Gainsford: 30th July, 2024 Education funding for classroom developments and charter schools w/ Post Primary Teachers Association junior vice president Kieran Gainsford: 30th July, 2024, 8.28 MB
Tue 30 Jul 2024

The recent government decision to halt classroom developments across the country has met opposition from those working in the education sector, who say new developments are both urgent and necessary, including in the locations the government has chosen to put on hold. 

Additionally, the government has set aside $150 million for charter schools, which come with other controversies. Recently, the government announced changes to their charter school plans, which would give them access to the teaching resources given to public schools and prevent employers from negotiating a multi-employer collective contract with charter schools. 

Wire host Castor spoke to the Post Primary Teachers Association’s junior vice president Kieran Gainsford about the allocation of education funding and the government’s prioritisation of charter schools. We also speak further about charter schools - whether they work and the issues with blocking collective bargaining.