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The Wire w/ Castor: 18th June, 2024.

The Wire w/ Castor: 18th June, 2024. , 100.48 MB
Tue 18 Jun 2024

For Dear Science this week, we chatted to Dr. Cushla McGoverin about a potential new treatment option for polycystic ovary syndrome, and a new development in the study of pain and 34,000 year old termite moulds. 

Wire host Castor spoke to the National Party’s Suze Redmayne about changes to speed limits and agriculture being removed from the ETS. 

He also spoke to the University of Auckland's Kendra Cox about removal of section 7AA from the Oranga Tamariki Act. 

He also spoke to Dr Gabriela Baron about green consumerism and its impacts on the environment. 

Producer Elle spoke to Greenpeace Aotearoa’s Freshwater Campaigner Will Appelbe about the Resource Management (Freshwater and other matters) Amendments Bill.

Green consumerism and its impacts w/ Dr Gabriela Baron: 18th June 2024.

Green consumerism and its impacts w/ Dr Gabriela Baron: 18th June 2024. , 6.77 MB
Tue 18 Jun 2024

Green consumerism is the idea that companies will offer products that appeal to the environmentalist desires of consumers. Essentially, companies may advertise their products as more environmentally friendly or conscious alternatives, despite not providing more environmental benefits or even being more environmentally damaging. 

Wire host Castor spoke to Dr Gabriela Baron about Green consumerism in Aotearoa, how it impacts people, and how to address it on both macro and micro levels.

The removal of section 7AA and how this will impact Māori w/ the University of Auckland’s Kendra Cox: 18th June, 2024.

The removal of section 7AA and how this will impact Māori w/ the University of Auckland’s Kendra Cox: 18th June, 2024. , 7.08 MB
Tue 18 Jun 2024

Section 7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act was introduced in 2019, designed to amplify voices of Māori within Oranga Tamariki and ensure it aligns with its obligations under Te Tiriti. Section 7AA was particularly praised upon its introduction, given Oranga Tamariki’s poor relationship with Māori historically. 

Wire host Castor spoke to the University of Auckland’s Kendra Cox about how the removal of section 7AA will impact Māori within Oranga Tamariki and state care.

Speed limit changes and agriculture out of the ETS w/ Suze Redmayne: 18th June, 2024.

Speed limit changes and agriculture out of the ETS w/ Suze Redmayne: 18th June, 2024. , 7.57 MB
Tue 18 Jun 2024

The government is proposing the repeal of several speed limit changes introduced across the country under the previous government since 2020. Among these changes include the expansion of school zone speed limits to cover the full day. These changes have been criticised for their potential risk to particularly children and other young people. 

The Emissions Trading Scheme is a program introduced in Aotearoa to reduce emissions in line with global standards. The program requires emitters to log and report their emissions, and limits the quantity of emissions. Emitters can sell or buy emissions units from others to allow them to emit more or less. By removing agricultural emissions, farmers would no longer be required to adhere to these requirements.

In our weekly catchup with the National party, Wire host Castor spoke to MP Suze Redmayne about the speed limit changes and removal of agriculture from the ETS. Particularly, he touched on the speed limit risks to children and how the government will restrict farmers’ emissions without the ETS covering them.

Resource Management (Freshwater and (Other Matters) Amendments Bill w/ Greenpeace Aotearoa Freshwater Campaigner, Will Appelbe: 18th June, 2024.

Resource Management (Freshwater and (Other Matters) Amendments Bill w/ Greenpeace Aotearoa Freshwater Campaigner, Will Appelbe: 18th June, 2024. , 20.2 MB
Tue 18 Jun 2024

The Coalition government is making amendments to the Resource management act 1991 through the resource management (freshwater and other matters) amendments bill. This includes changes to stock exclusion and intensive winter grazing regulations.

An OIA request shows that DoC advised against these amendments, specifically the removal of key freshwater protections.

Producer Elle spoke to Greenpeace Aotearoa Freshwater campaigner, Will Appelbe, about their response to the proposed changes. She began by asking what the amendments to the resource management act 1991 are.

Specialist Schools w/ National Disability Leadership Coordinator for CCS Disability Action, Debbie Ward: 17th June 2024

Specialist Schools w/ National Disability Leadership Coordinator for CCS Disability Action, Debbie Ward: 17th June 2024 Specialist Schools w/ National Disability Leadership Coordinator for CCS Disability Action, Debbie Ward: 17th June 2024, 19.95 MB
Mon 17 Jun 2024

The government has announced $90 million in funding for specialist schools and facilities for students with disabilities.

Disability and Human Rights groups are concerned about how this investment may undermine inclusive education and our obligations under the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities.

CCS Disability is New Zealand's largest support and disability advocacy organisation. 

Producer Josef spoke with the National Disability Leadership Coordinator for CCS Disability Action, Debbie Ward, about what this focus on specialist schools could mean for disabled students.

Proposed road safety changes w/ NZ Director of Brake, the road safety charity, Caroline Perry: 17th June 2024.

Proposed road safety changes w/ NZ Director of Brake, the road safety charity, Caroline Perry: 17th June 2024. , 12.96 MB
Mon 17 Jun 2024

The government has proposed several changes to speed limits across the country, notably removing several of the reductions implemented since the start of 2020. 

Brake New Zealand is a charity that works to prevent road deaths and injuries across Aotearoa, through raising awareness and providing support for victims.

Producer Castor spoke to the NZ Director of Brake, Caroline Perry, about what the proposed changes could mean and the risks they pose to both pedestrians and vehicle users on our roads.

Bootcamps for young offenders w Senior lecturer of clinical forensic psychology at Victoria University, Dr Clare-Ann Fortune: 17th June, 2024

Bootcamps for young offenders w Senior lecturer of clinical forensic psychology at Victoria University, Dr Clare-Ann Fortune: 17th June, 2024 Bootcamps for young offenders w Senior lecturer of clinical forensic psychology at Victoria University, Dr Clare-Ann Fortune: 17th June, 2024, 6.36 MB
Mon 17 Jun 2024

The first of the boot camps promised by the coalition government will be operating by the middle of the year. 

Bootcamps are military style academies for young people who commit serious offences.

However, lecturer in forensic psychology, Simon Davies, senior lecturer in clinical forensic psychology, Clare-Ann Fortune, professor of psychology, Karen Salmon, and PhD candidate in forensic psychology, Linda Fatialofa – all from Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University – have written an article about the psychological evidence that this form of intervention is ineffective and does not work.

Wire host Sofia Roger Williams spoke to co-author, Dr Clare-Ann Fortune, about the psychological evidence behind this and why bootcamps are still being seen as a viable option. 

She started their interview asking her what bootcamps are and what their intended purpose is.

The Wire w/ Sofia: 17th June, 2024

The Wire w/ Sofia: 17th June, 2024 The Wire w/ Sofia: 17th June, 2024, 92.48 MB
Mon 17 Jun 2024

For the weekly catch up with the ACT Party, Wire host Sofia Roger Williams spoke to ACT MP Simon Court about taking agriculture out of the Emissions Trading Scheme, reports about the ACT Party’s mistreatment of staff, as well as the party’s 15% of the vote goal for 2026. 

She also spoke with Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at Victoria University, Dr Clare-Ann Fortune, about boot camps for young people who commit serious offences. 

Producer Castor spoke to New Zealand Director for Brake, the road safety charity, Caroline Perry, about the newly proposed speed limit changes. 

And producer Josef spoke to Debbie Ward, the National Disability Leadership Coordinator for CCS Disability Action, about the government announcing funding for specialist schools and classrooms for students with disabilities.

Whakarongo tonu mai!

Entrepreneurships: Why Women Quit w/ Dr Janine Swail

Entrepreneurships: Why Women Quit w/ Dr Janine Swail Entrepreneurships: Why Women Quit w/ Dr Janine Swail, 38.86 MB
Thu 13 Jun 2024


In a recent study conducted by Dr Janine Swail and Dr Susan Marlow, 16 female entrepreneurs shared their experiences with starting their company. We discussed the perceived flexibility of entrepreneurship for women versus the harsh realities they face.

Rachel spoke with co-author of the “Entrepreneurship: why women quit” study,  Dr Janine Swail, about the perceived flexibility of entrepreneurship for women versus the harsh realities they face.