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The Wire with Castor

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The 'No More Coal' Petition and NZDF Deployments to the Middle East w/ The Green Party's Ricardo Menendez March: 29 May, 2024

The 'No More Coal' Petition and NZDF Deployments to the Middle East w/ The Green Party's Ricardo Menendez March: 29 May, 2024 The 'No More Coal' Petition and NZDF Deployments to the Middle East w/ The Green Party's Ricardo Menendez March: 29 May, 2024, 18.78 MB
Wed 29 May 2024

Last week, resources Minister Shane Jones released a draft strategy for mineral mining, aiming to double the amount of exports in the sector. 

The strategy also mentioned "significant amounts of different types and grades of coal deposits" in Aotearoa, and aimed to align consents for coal to other minerals in order to increase coal extraction.

In response, the Green party has created a petition, calling on the government to completely roll back on its coal mining initiatives and to protect the natural ecosystems of Aotearoa. 

For their weekly catch up, Oto spoke to Green Party MP, Ricardo Menendez-March, to discuss the petition. We also had a conversation about the Defence Minister Judith Collins decision to extend New Zealand Defence Force deployments to the Middle East and Africa

Research engaging with mana whenua in biodiversity management w/ Senior Lecturer Above the Bar at the University of Canterbury Faculty of Law, Dr David Jefferson: 29th May, 2024

Research engaging with mana whenua in biodiversity management w/ Senior Lecturer Above the Bar at the University of Canterbury Faculty of Law, Dr David Jefferson: 29th May, 2024 Research engaging with mana whenua in biodiversity management w/ Senior Lecturer Above the Bar at the University of Canterbury Faculty of Law, Dr David Jefferson: 29th May, 2024, 23.68 MB
Wed 29 May 2024

The Plant Variety Rights Act 2022 is the first legal major reform to implement the Waitangi Tribunal's recommendations in response to Wai 262: Ko Aotearoa Tēnei, or more commonly known as the indigenous flora and fauna claim. 

Senior Lecturer Above the Bar at the University of Canterbury Faculty of Law and legal anthropologist, Dr David Jefferson, is researching the Act, as well as other legal frameworks, focussing on the impacts and potential for mana whenua in biodiversity management to protect taonga plants and mātauranga Māori.  

Producer Sofia spoke to Jefferson about his research, and whether the Plant Variety Rights Act 2022 fulfils the Crown's treaty obligations.

Cardiovascular Health Gaps Among Maori and Pasifika w/ Karen Brewer from the University of Auckland: 29 May, 2024

Cardiovascular Health Gaps Among Maori and Pasifika w/ Karen Brewer from the University of Auckland: 29 May, 2024 Cardiovascular Health Gaps Among Maori and Pasifika w/ Karen Brewer from the University of Auckland: 29 May, 2024, 23.11 MB
Wed 29 May 2024

Health outcome gaps for Māori and Pasifika suffering from cardiovascular conditions have been apparent for quite some time.
In order to address this ongoing problem, a group of researchers involved in Manawataki Fatu Fatu for ACCESS conducted a qualitative study, where they interviewed Māori and Pasifika patients in cardiovascular care to uncover the causes behind these health gaps, as well as potential solutions. 

To discuss the study and its findings, Oto spoke to Senior Research fellow Karen Brewer from the University of Auckland, of Whakatōhea and Ngaiterangi descent, who conducted the study and had some insights to offer on Māori and Pasifika cardiovascular health gaps.

Calls to ban direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicine in Aotearoa w/ Associate Professor of Medical Psychological Medicine at the University of Auckland, David Menkes: 28th May, 2024.

Calls to ban direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicine in Aotearoa w/ Associate Professor of Medical Psychological Medicine at the University of Auckland, David Menkes: 28th May, 2024. , 27.12 MB
Tue 28 May 2024

The United States and New Zealand are the only high-income countries that allow unrestricted direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicines, which directs advertising towards consumers rather than medical professionals.

Producer Sofia Roger Williams spoke to Associate Professor of Medical Psychological Medicine at the University of Auckland, David Menkes, about concerns researchers have raised about direct-to-consumer advertising and how to address them. 

She started the interview asking him how direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicines operates in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Open letter calling to criminalise stalking w/ Associate Professor of Law at the University of Auckland, Carrie Leonetti: 28th May, 2024

Open letter calling to criminalise stalking w/ Associate Professor of Law at the University of Auckland, Carrie Leonetti: 28th May, 2024 Open letter calling to criminalise stalking w/ Associate Professor of Law at the University of Auckland, Carrie Leonetti: 28th May, 2024, 18.39 MB
Tue 28 May 2024

An urgent open letter has called on the Minister of Justice, the Honourable Paul Goldsmith, to amend the Crimes act to include the act of stalking. 

Producer Ezra spoke to co-director of the New Zealand Centre for Human Rights Law Practice and Policy at the University of Auckland, Carrie Leonetti, about why criminalising stalking will help prevent innocent people from living in fear.

Waikeria Prison and Corrections funding w/ the National Party’s Katie Nimon: 28th May, 2024.

Waikeria Prison and Corrections funding w/ the National Party’s Katie Nimon: 28th May, 2024. , 20.25 MB
Tue 28 May 2024

Earlier this May the government announced plans to revisit a development at Waikeria Prison in Waikato. Originally proposed under the 2017 Labour government, the plan to add new beds was delayed due to COVID 19 complications. 

Corrections Minister Mark Mitchell sez the development will continue past Labour’s initial plan, with an overwhelming message from the National party that the prison population should and will increase. In our weekly catchup with the National Party’s Katie Nimon, Wire host Castor asked about the prison development and Corrections funding in advance of this week’s budget announcements.

The Wire w/ Castor: 28th May, 2024.

The Wire w/ Castor: 28th May, 2024. , 108.88 MB
Tue 28 May 2024

For Dear Science this week, Professor Allan Blackman chatted to us about reconstructing the genomes of extinct moa, a protein folding prediction programme, and a discovery forcing us to rewrite chemistry textbooks. 

Wire host Castor spoke to the National Party’s Katie Nimon about the Waikeria prison development and funding for corrections in advance of this week’s budget announcements. 

He also spoke to People Against Prisons’ Emmy Rākete about these developments and the government’s approach to crime more broadly. 

Producer Sofia spoke to Associate Professor of Medical Psychological Medicine at the University of Auckland, David Menkes, about concerns over direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicine in Aotearoa. 

And Producer Ezra spoke to co-director of the New Zealand Centre for Human Rights Law Practice and Policy at the University of Auckland, Carrie Leonetti, about how Aotearoa needs to criminalise stalking.

The current government’s approach to crime and punishment w/ People Against Prisons press spokesperson Emmy Rākete: 28th May, 2024.

The current government’s approach to crime and punishment w/ People Against Prisons press spokesperson Emmy Rākete: 28th May, 2024. , 17.36 MB
Tue 28 May 2024

This weekend, People Against Prisons Aotearoa organised a protest against the planned development at Waikeria Prison, calling out existing space in prisons, excessive spending on prisons during cuts across government departments, and the ineffectiveness of prisons broadly.

Wire host Castor spoke to People Against Prisons Aotearoa’s Press Spokesperson, Emmy Rākete about the development and the government’s approach to crime and punishment.

Vaping Study in New Zealand's most Deprived Areas w/ Matthew Hobbs: 27 May, 2024

Vaping Study in New Zealand's most Deprived Areas w/ Matthew Hobs: 27 May, 2024 Vaping Study in New Zealand's most Deprived Areas w/ Matthew Hobs: 27 May, 2024, 6.57 MB
Mon 27 May 2024

Recently, a University of Canterbury study, ‘investigating the spatial and temporal variation of vape retailer provision in New Zealand: A cross-sectional and nationwide study,’ published in the peer-reviewed journal, Social Science and Medicine, shows that most vape retailers reside in the country’s most deprived areas.

News and Editorial Director, Joel, spoke to Senior Lecturer in Public Health at the University of Canterbury, and head of the study, Matthew Hobbs, about the findings of this study, and what this means for these communities.

Rising Pokie Profits in South Auckland w/ Dr Analosa Veukiso-Ulugia, 27 May 2024

Rising Pokie Profits in South Auckland w/ Dr Analosa Veukiso-Ulugia, 27 May 2024 Rising Pokie Profits in South Auckland w/ Dr Analosa Veukiso-Ulugia, 27 May 2024, 8.45 MB
Mon 27 May 2024

Over $20 million in Pokie machine profits were recorded last December in the Ōtara-Papatoetoe, Manurewa and Mangere-Ōtāhuhu local board areas of Auckland. 

Producer Ezra spoke to Senior Lecturer of Education at the University of Auckland, Dr Analosa Veukiso-Ulugia, about the impact these figures highlighted of gaming machines in South Auckland.