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The Green Desk

95bFM's long-running green issues feature, The Green Desk.

The Green Desk: East Coast Cannabis Company Supplying Germany's Growing Medical Market: June 21, 2023

The Green Desk: East Coast Cannabis Company Supplying Germany's Growing Medical Market: June 21, 2023 The Green Desk: East Coast Cannabis Company Supplying Germany's Growing Medical Market: June 21, 2023, 10.75 MB
Wed 21 Jun 2023

This week on The Green Desk we speak look at Rua Bioscience, an East Coast company led by CEO Paul Naske, as they embark on a mission to supply Germany with medical cannabis. When more rules are coming in to potentially phase out some pine trees on the East Coast, could a different kind of "tree" hold the answer to sustainable employment? Listen in with Paul Naske, and gain insights into their mission and genetic-centric approach. 

The Green Desk: VR changing the way farmers see forestry: June 14, 2023

The Green Desk: VR changing the way farmers see forestry: June 14, 2023 The Green Desk: VR changing the way farmers see forestry: June 14, 2023, 11.55 MB
Wed 14 Jun 2023

On the Green Desk, Jack Marshall speaks to Remy Lasseur from AgResearch about VR technology that could help farmers determine where and what trees they should plant.

The Green Desk: The Global Addiction: Oil and Gas. June 7, 2023.

The Green Desk: The Global Addiction: Oil and Gas. June 7, 2023. , 11.87 MB
Wed 7 Jun 2023

On the Green Desk Jack Marshall speaks to Amanda Thomas, lecturer in environmental studies at the University of Wellington about stopping oil and gas exploration in Aotearoa. 

The Green Desk: In Touch with Animal Emotions: 31 May, 2023

The Green Desk: In Touch with Animal Emotions: 31 May, 2023 The Green Desk: In Touch with Animal Emotions: 31 May, 2023, 12.25 MB
Wed 31 May 2023


A world-first holistic framework for assessing the mental and psychological wellbeing of wild animals has been developed by Dr Andrea Harvey, a veterinarian and animal welfare scientist from the University of Technology Sydney. The Green Desk's Jack Marshall spoke with Dr Harvey about how this study could potentially revolutionise conservation efforts.

The Green Desk: Commercial fishers flock to protected areas: 25 May, 2023

The Green Desk: Commercial fishers flock to protected areas: 25 May, 2023 The Green Desk: Commercial fishers flock to protected areas: 25 May, 2023, 10.92 MB
Wed 24 May 2023

Researchers investigating data from commercial fishing vessels have found that bottom trawling activity increases sharply near newly established marine protected areas. The Green Desk's Jack Marshall spoke with Tai Lohrer about his research into the protected areas to find out why.

The Green Desk: Reboot to install, DOC embraces high-tech: 17 May, 2023

The Green Desk w/ Jack Marshall: 17 May, 2023 The Green Desk w/ Jack Marshall: 17 May, 2023, 23.59 MB
Wed 17 May 2023

On the Green Desk for this week, Jack Marshall speaks to the Department of Conservation's Chief Science Advisor Mike Bunce about the role that new and developing technologies have in solving Aotearoa’s biodiversity threats.

The Green Desk: All eyes on rail: 10 May, 2023

The Green Desk w/ Jack Marshall: 10 May, 2023 The Green Desk w/ Jack Marshall: 10 May, 2023, 10.55 MB
Wed 10 May 2023

On the Green Desk, Jack Marshall speaks to Sarah Bealing, a Restore Passenger Rail supporter from Wellington, about why causing traffic chaos and delays in the Wellington CBD is good for their cause.

The Green Desk: How to Rehydrate a Wetland: May 3, 2023

The Green Desk: How to Rehydrate a Wetland: May 3, 2023 The Green Desk: How to Rehydrate a Wetland: May 3, 2023, 13.24 MB
Wed 3 May 2023

Ninety percent of New Zealand’s original wetlands have been destroyed by agricultural and urban development and are still disappearing. This week on the Green Desk Jack Marshall spoke with Julie Deslippe, Senior Lecturer in Plant Ecology at Victoria University, looking at the positive effects of restoration in the lower north island.

The Kelp Desk: The secret garden below the waves. April 26, 2023.

The Kelp Desk: The ocean's hidden forests. April 26, 2023. , 11.32 MB
Wed 26 Apr 2023

Sometimes you can't see the forest from the trees but spare a thought for the wilderness beneath the waves. Kelp forests are found in shallow ocean waters off a third of the world's coastlines, and, according to new research are worth hundreds of billions of dollars to society.

Marine ecologist Dr Aaron Eger led the study and is also the founder and director of the Kelp Forest Alliance – a research-driven not-for-profit dedicated to accelerating the protection and restoration of kelp forests worldwide. Today he's on The Green Desk to discuss his work putting a dollar value to the kelp forests below the sea level.

The Green Desk: Keeping up with the kākāpō. April 19, 2023.

The Green Desk: Keeping up with the kākāpō. April 19, 2023. , 11.5 MB
Wed 19 Apr 2023

Most people know the kākāpō as the endangered bird stuck on a few islands. The flightless bird was brought to the brink of extinction with only some 50 birds left at one point – But once upon a time, kākāpō covered Aotearoa from the north down to the south. What did they eat? How did they live without the rimu? This week, The Green Desk spoke to Dr Alex Boast from Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research who has been looking into the bird's pre-colonial droppings to answer these questions.