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The Green Desk: Kōura and Whakawheku: 17th September, 2024

The Green Desk: Kōura and Whakawheku: 17th September, 2024

The Green Desk: Kōura and Whakawheku: 17th September, 2024 The Green Desk: Kōura and Whakawheku: 17th September, 2024, 12.1 MB
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

This week on the Green Desk, Jack Marshall spoke with freshwater scientist Ian Kusabs about a breakthrough in monitoring kōura, New Zealand’s freshwater crayfish.  

Kusabs, of Ngāti Tūwharetoa, is a busy man, working with The University of Waikato, iwi groups, and NIWA as a freshwater scientist. 

This week Kusabs told the Green Desk about whakaweku, which are bundles of bracken fern, that have proved exceptional at monitoring kōura compared with other methods.