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The Green Desk

95bFM's long-running green issues feature, The Green Desk.

The Green Desk; March 12, 2019

The Green Desk; March 12, 2019 The Green Desk; March 12, 2019, 24.81 MB
Tue 12 Mar 2019

Green desk is back with a piece about research by Dr. Huhana Smith about the intersection of tikanga and climate science. 

The Green Desk: March 5, 2019

The Green Desk: March 5, 2019 The Green Desk: March 5, 2019, 25.49 MB
Tue 5 Mar 2019

Last week, Mitchell spoke to Dr Mels Barton, the organiser of Seaweek under NZAEE. The week focuses on a range of events from fun competitions to educational lectures. Mitchell and Dr Barton discuss the biggest threats to our underwater ecosystems and how we can begin to start to make positive change.


The Green Desk: February 26th, 2019

The Green Desk: February 26th, 2019 The Green Desk: February 26th, 2019, 22.76 MB
Tue 26 Feb 2019

On the Green Desk this week: Mitchell talks to Puna Wano-Bryant about the recently formed role of Kaitiaki Whenua Ranger under Te Kahui o Taranaki.

The Green Desk: February 12, 2019

The Green Desk: February 12, 2019 The Green Desk: February 12, 2019, 7.03 MB
Tue 12 Feb 2019

This week on Green Desk Mitchell speaks to Auckland Council’s water manager Andrew Chin about the Auckland’s Lake Pupuke. There are concerns regarding a potential toxic algal bloom in Lake Pupuke which could have serious implications for the health of the lake, its users and its biodiversity.

The Auckland Council have recently applied for a resource consent to place flocculants in Lake Pupuke in case a toxic algal bloom does occur. Mitchell begins by asking Mr Chin about toxic algal blooms, what they are and how they form.

The Green Desk: January 29, 2019

The Green Desk: January 29, 2019 The Green Desk: January 29, 2019, 9.75 MB
Tue 29 Jan 2019

This week Mitchell interviews the Deputy Chair from Friends of Okura Forest, Geoff Reid. They talk about the forest and this year’s environmental awareness festival which they are hosting to keep the forest alive and well. Mitchell begins by asking Geoff a little bit about the forest, why it’s so special and how they have kept it healthy over the past years.


Green Desk: January 22, 2019

Green Desk: January 22, 2019 Green Desk: January 22, 2019, 25.02 MB
Tue 22 Jan 2019

Today Mitchell Fuller talks to Sedef Dude Ozyurt who was the leader of the Aotearoa Youth Delegation at the COP 24 conference held in Poland in November last year. They discuss the aim of COP, what its all about, New Zealand's stance, and the role the IPCC report played in the conference. Mitchell begins asking Sedef a bit about how she ended up at COP and the nuts and bolts of it all.



Green Desk: January 15, 2019

Green Desk: January 15, 2019 Green Desk: January 15, 2019, 18.37 MB
Tue 15 Jan 2019

For this week's Green Desk, Mitchell spoke to Hinewai Reserve Manager Hugh Wilson about the Hinewai Reserve, a regenerating area of native forest on the Banks Peninsula.

They discuss its carbon credit system which has become increasingly popular with large businesses allowing them to offset unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions.

The system has allowed the reserve to expand and encompass a significant area on the peninsula which has rejuvenated naturally without planting and minimal pest control. Mitchell begins by asking Wilson a little bit about the history of the Reserve and how its arrived at where it is today.

The Green Desk: Plastic packaging in a circular economy with James Griffin from Sustainable Business Network

Plastic packaging in a circular economy with James Griffin from Sustainable Business Network Plastic packaging in a circular economy with James Griffin from Sustainable Business Network, 17.45 MB
Tue 11 Dec 2018

Ella speaks with James Griffin from Sustainable Business Network about their recent report addressing how businesses can help solve the plastic packaging problem. They discuss what is currently happening to New Zealand's plastic packaging and what this report concluded about what can be done. 

Green Desk: Conservation Genetics with Dr Helen Taylor

Green Desk: Conservation Genetics with Dr Helen Taylor Green Desk: Conservation Genetics with Dr Helen Taylor, 18.17 MB
Tue 6 Nov 2018

Ella speaks with 2018 Callaghan Medal recipient Dr Helen Taylor about her work in conservation genetics. Dr Taylor is researching how inbreeding effects male fertility in New Zealand's native bird species. They disccus her successful science communication campaigns and what genetics can bring to New Zealand's conservation efforts. 

MOTU Economic Research Institute on NZ’s Zero Carbon Emission Bill: October 31, 2018

MOTU Economic Research Institute on NZ’s Zero Carbon Emission Bill: October 31, 2018 MOTU Economic Research Institute on NZ’s Zero Carbon Emission Bill: October 31, 2018, 9.11 MB
Wed 31 Oct 2018

Producer Ella Christensen talks with Niven Winchester from MOTU Economic Research Institute about New Zealand’s commitment to zero carbon emissions, following the IPCC report earlier this month.