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City Counselling

Two alternating Auckland City Councillor's Lotu Fuli and Shane Henderson tell us the latest in Council news every Thursday on The Wire. 

City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: July 29th, 2022

City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: July 29th, 2022 City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: July 29th, 2022, 15.24 MB
Fri 29 Jul 2022

Auckland Council's next planning committee meeting is taking place next Thursday. 

The topics list includes a decision on mass housing reforms, which could see rates of housing intensification rise across Tamaki Makaurau. 

To learn more about what this means, Liam had a chat with councillor Pippa Coom on our regular City Counselling segment, also chatting to her about the upcoming mayoral race.


City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: July 22nd, 2022

City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: July 22nd, 2022 City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: July 22nd, 2022, 12.27 MB
Fri 22 Jul 2022

The effects of public transport cancellations have been felt across Tamaki Makaurau in recent days.

As Auckland transport deals with major staff shortages due to the covid wave, with over a thousand routes being cancelled per week.

Liam had a chat with Councillor Shane Henderson about the cancellation, as well as a new tsunami evacuation map that’s always been launched.

They started by asking about how the council is trying to tackle the mass route cancellations.  

City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: July 15, 2022

City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: July 15, 2022 City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: July 15, 2022, 16.43 MB
Fri 15 Jul 2022

The High Court has ruled in favour of Auckland Transport in a case brought against the council managed organisation by All Aboard Aotearoa.

The case was over Auckland Transport’s Regional Land Transport Plan or RLTP which would lead to a 6% increase in transport emissions in Auckland.

For our fortnightly chat with Auckland City counsellor Pippa Coom, as part of our regular city counselling segment Casper and Pippa discussed the RLTP case as well as an update on the local election process.


City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: July 8, 2022

City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: July 8, 2022 City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: July 8, 2022, 12.19 MB
Fri 8 Jul 2022

Eight local boards from central Auckland voted on the issue of special character areas in Auckland, contributing to a longstanding debate around housing intensification and preserving Auckland’s inner-city suburbs.

For the our regular city counselling segment Casper spoke to Auckland city counsellor Shane Henderson to get a sense of what happened in this debate, what the vote means and how it might affect the future of housing in Auckland.


City Counselling w/ Richard Hills: July 1st, 2022

City Counselling w/ Richard Hills: July 1st, 2022 City Counselling w/ Richard Hills: July 1st, 2022, 17.08 MB
Fri 1 Jul 2022

The native Kauri Trees in the Waitakere Ranges have been under threat from the Kauri Dieback disease for years. 


While this is naturally occuring, humans disturbing the area have led to the rate spreading quicker than normal and the trees being put at major risk.


However, a recent report from the council has revealed new details on the spread, showing that the issue, while still prevalent, might not be moving as quickly as previously thought. 


To learn more, I spoke to Richard Hills for our regular City Counselling segment about what they’ve recently discovered.


City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: June 17, 2022

City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: June 17, 2022 City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: June 17, 2022, 15.71 MB
Fri 17 Jun 2022

The Auckland city council’s Value for Money Committee recently reported that the council exceeded its savings goals for the 2021/22 financial year.

However, there has been some controversy around overspending on cycleway infrastructure projects with some Aucklanders claiming that the council’s money is being managed loosely.

For Casper's fortnightly chat with Auckland city councillor Pippa Coom they discussed the council’s financial situation as well as the alleged overspending on some cycleway projects and what might be going on.

City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: June 10, 2022

City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: June 10, 2022 City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: June 10, 2022, 9.74 MB
Fri 10 Jun 2022

Phil Goff’s last climate budget as Auckland mayor has been passed by the council.

Last week Casper discussed this budget with Auckland city councillor Pippa Coom and this week, for his fortnightly interview with councillor Shane Henderson he asked for an update on the budget and its importance.

Casper also asked Shane for his perspective on the Ports of Auckland recently scraping its automation project after sinking $65 million dollars into the effort, and what this says about the ports’ direction.

City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: June 3, 2022

City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: June 3, 2022 City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: June 3, 2022, 12.69 MB
Fri 3 Jun 2022

Phil Goff released his final Climate Action Budget as Auckland mayor.

The billion-dollar package proposes widespread investment in transport and is intended to be a starting point for the city meeting its climate emission obligations.

For Casper's fortnightly chat with Auckland city counsellor Pippa Coom they discussed the mayor’s proposed budget, what it contains and what it will cost for Auckland residents.

City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: May 27, 2022

City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: May 27, 2022 City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: May 27, 2022, 18.84 MB
Fri 27 May 2022

Cycling infrastructure has been widely reported as receiving $1.7 billion in new funding, with investment in renewable transport forming a part of Auckland’s plan to halve emissions by 2030.

Auckland city council has also closed submissions the NPS UD public consultation, informing its plan for housing intensification.

For Casper's fortnightly chat with Auckland City Councillor Shane Henderson they discussed this investment in Cycling infrastructure as well as an update to their discussion a few weeks prior around housing intensification. Casper first asked Shane what is planned for Auckland’s cycling infrastructure in the 2022 budget and what its implications are for the city.


City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: May 20, 2022

City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: May 20, 2022 City Counselling w/ Pippa Coom: May 20, 2022, 9.82 MB
Fri 20 May 2022

As part of the 2022 budget allocation for transport the government announced a two months extension to the half-priced fares scheme. The cheaper fares have been a part of the government’s response to the cost of living crisis but are currently only a temporary measure.

For Casper's fortnightly chat with Auckland city Counsellor Pippa Coom they discussed the extension of this scheme announced in the budget, how it’s been performing so far and what might be possible as a permanent solution.