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Thursdays In Black's Open Letter to the Department of Corrections w/ Genna Hawkins Boulton

Thursdays In Black's Open Letter to the Department of Corrections w/ Genna Hawkins Boulton

Thursdays In Black's Open Letter to the Department of Corrections w/ Genna Hawkins Boulton Thursdays In Black's Open Letter to the Department of Corrections w/ Genna Hawkins Boulton, 15.72 MB
Thursday, August 11, 2022

Thursdays In Black is a student-led grassroots campaign, working towards a world without rape and sexual violence. Last week they published an open letter in response to a decision by the Department of Corrections (which you can find on @thursdaysinblackuoa on Instagram), that allowed a convicted rapist on home detention to attend classes on campus at the University of Auckland, without consultation with the university. Stella spoke to Vice President of the Auckland Branch, Genna Hawkins Boulton, about the letter.