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The Big Q: How do we know the earth is warming? October 29, 2018

The Big Q: How do we know the earth is warming? October 29, 2018

The Big Q: How do we know the earth is warming? October 29, 2018 The Big Q: How do we know the earth is warming? October 29, 2018, 19.79 MB
Monday, October 29, 2018

All scientific indications are suggesting that the Earth is fast reaching a tipping point, a point of irreversible damage to life on the planet. Already animals and plants are becoming extinct at never before seen rates, some at 1000 times more than before, and oceans are becoming too acidic and warm to sustain coral reefs which are considered the lungs of the oceans. Maria Armoudian spoke with world renowned climate scientist James Hansen about the science and politics of climate change.

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