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Māori wards w/ ActionStation Aotearoa Director, Kassie Hartendorp: 24th June, 2024

Māori wards w/ ActionStation Aotearoa Director, Kassie Hartendorp: 24th June, 2024

Māori wards w/ ActionStation Aotearoa Director, Kassie Hartendorp: 24th June, 2024 Māori wards w/ ActionStation Aotearoa Director, Kassie Hartendorp: 24th June, 2024, 7.48 MB
Monday, June 24, 2024

The government has proposed to reverse changes made to increase Māori representation in local government by reverting the Māori ward rules  to restore the referendum mechanism. 

This would mean if any council wanted to establish a Māori ward, and a petition that had been signed by 5% of people was presented, a binding referendum would have to be held. 

Additionally, the bill requires that all the councils that created Māori wards since 2021 have to hold a poll about whether to keep them at the 2025 local elections, with the results of the poll to be binding and come into force in 2028. 

ActionStation has released a report, ‘Protect Māori Wards’, which has gathered the stories of over 200 community members on their experiences of Māori wards. 

Host Sofia Roger Williams spoke to ActionStation director, Kassie Hartendorp (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Tūwharetoa), about what the report found, why Māori wards are important, and the government’s proposed changes for Māori wards more generally.