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‘No Cause’ Evictions and Party Policy Scorecards w/ Renters United's Éimhín O'Shea: 20 September, 2023

‘No Cause’ Evictions and Party Policy Scorecards w Renters United's Éimhín O'Shea: 20 September, 2023.mp3 mp3, 19.97 MB
Wed 20 Sep 2023

New Zealand’s Housing shortage has put a strain on Renter and Landlord relationships for decades.

The Labour Government’s renters’ rights reforms have meant new standards for healthy homes and protections for Tenants.

However, National’s promise to reinstate "No-Cause" Evictions could potentially undermine housing security for renters who make up a third of our country's population.

Nicholas spoke to Éimhín O'Shea from Renters United about what no-cause evictions would mean for renters as well as their recently released scorecards, which provide grades for each political party's housing policy thus far.


Social Housing Policy w/ Lifewise COO Ann-Marie Searchfield and The Salvation Army director Ian Hutson: 20 September, 2023

Social Housing Policy w/ Lifewise COO Ann-Marie Searchfield and The Salvation Army director Ian Hutson: 20 September, 2023 Social Housing Policy w/ Lifewise COO Ann-Marie Searchfield and The Salvation Army director Ian Hutson: 20 September, 2023, 25.56 MB
Wed 20 Sep 2023

Lifewise is an organisation that helps people out of homelessness by providing stable housing and wrap-around support for issues like addiction, mental health, and disability. 

Their program Housing First houses nearly 500 people across Aotearoa, and has a retention rate of over 90%. 

Lifewise is calling on the government to form a ten-year plan that will help address the housing shortage and alleviate homelessness. 

Arno spoke to Lifewise COO Ann-Marie Searchfield to find out more. 

Arno then spoke to The Salvation Army director Ian Hutson. 

The Salvation Army provides emergency, transitional and social housing across New Zealand. 

They recently met with several parties to iron down a plan to build more state houses.


The Wire w/ Jessica: 20 September, 2023

The Wire w/ Jessica: 20 September, 2023 The Wire w/ Jessica: 20 September, 2023, 50.9 MB
Wed 20 Sep 2023

News and Editorial Director Jessica Hopkins spoke to Green Party Co-Leader James Shaw about the National Party’s foreign buyers tax policy, and the renters advocacy group, Renters United, scorecards ranking the major political parties on their policies for renters.

She also spoke to architect and director of academic reviews at University of Auckland, Professor Diane Brand, about the Chip Packet Project and addressing homelessness.

Nicholas spoke to Eihmin O’Shea from Renters United about National’s No Cause Evictions Policy and their recently released political party scorecards.

Arno interviewed Lifewise COO Ann-Marie Searchfield and Salvation Army Director Ian Hutson about reducing homelessness and the housing shortage.

The Chip Packet Project w/ Professor Diane Brand: 21 September, 2023

The Chip Packet Project w/ Professor Diane Brand: 21 September, 2023 The Chip Packet Project w/ Professor Diane Brand: 21 September, 2023, 6.76 MB
Wed 20 Sep 2023

The Chip Packet Project is an Auckland-based non-profit, reusing chip packets to create survival blankets.

The blankets have helped at least 69,000 people who are homeless or affected by natural disasters like flooding.

News and Editorial Director Jessica Hopkins spoke to architect and director of academic reviews at University of Auckland, Professor Diane Brand, about her involvement in the project, and the urgent need to address Aotearoa’s homelessness crisis. 

National's Foreign Buyers Tax Policy and Housing Issues w/ the Green Party's James Shaw

National's Foreign Buyers Tax Policy and Housing Issues w/ the Green Party's James Shaw National's Foreign Buyers Tax Policy and Housing Issues w/ the Green Party's James Shaw, 7.19 MB
Wed 20 Sep 2023

For our regular interview, News and Editorial Director Jessica Hopkins spoke to the Green Party’s James Shaw about the National Party’s foreign buyers tax policy, and the renters advocacy group, Renters United, scorecards ranking the major political parties on their policies for renters.

Dear Science w/ Davide Mercadante : September 19, 2023

Dear Science w/ Davide Mercadante : September 19, 2023 Dear Science w/ Davide Mercadante : September 19, 2023, 23.08 MB
Tue 19 Sep 2023

This week on Dear Science, the Tuesday Wire team are joined by Davide Mercadante in studio to talk training snails, computers that can run on light, and protein movement. All very exciting and all right here on Dear Science!

Elderly Housing Crisis w/ Ollie Neas: 19th September 2023

Elderly Housing Crisis w/ Ollie Neas: 19th September 2023 Elderly Housing Crisis w/ Ollie Neas: 19th September 2023, 22.51 MB
Tue 19 Sep 2023

As home ownership is on a constant decline, the elderly are often left out of the discussion. Though with 8.1% of those above 65 homeless, and a prediction that half of New Zealanders will enter retirement without a home by 2053, the issue is both prevalent and alarming.

Josh Black spoke to Ollie Neas, a journalist who wrote about this in his piece "Where Will You Live When You’re Old?" for North and South, to learn more.

ACT's Housing Policies w/ Simon Court: 19th September 2023

ACT's Housing Policies w/ Simon Court: 19th September 2023 ACT's Housing Policies w/ Simon Court: 19th September 2023, 33.51 MB
Mon 18 Sep 2023

For our weekly catch up with the ACT party Rawan spoke to MP Simon Court about some of ACT’s policies to battle the housing crisis.

They started off by discussing their incentive for councils to increase the building of residential housing, looking at why it's important and how it will work. This incentive aims to take a 50% GST from the revenue of new residential buildings and give it back to councils.

Simon then discussed ACTs plans to scrap the Resource Management Act, taking out what they believe to be an excess of consents and regulations and focus more on development. He also talked about the reforms they plan to make to the business ACT and how this links into the housing crisis

Research into Housing Support for Ex-Prisoners w/ Alice Mills: 18th September 2023

Research into Housing Support for Ex-Prisoners w/ Alice Mills: 18th September 2023 Research into Housing Support for Ex-Prisoners w/ Alice Mills: 18th September 2023, 17.49 MB
Mon 18 Sep 2023

University of Auckland Professor of Criminology Alice Mills recently conducted a study looking at the state of housing for those leaving prison.

Rawan spoke to Professor Mills about the lack of support that is available and how this can harm the rehabilitation of prisoners and their whanau. This included the strong correlation the study found between the lack of stable housing and prisoners ending up back in prisons. 

They also discussed the impact on Maori and the even more severe lack of support for those communities and what support needs to be developed. 

Mātauranga Māori Stories for Tuahiwi Tamariki: 14 September, 2023

Mātauranga Māori Stories for Tuahiwi Tamariki: 14 September, 2023 Mātauranga Māori Stories for Tuahiwi Tamariki: 14 September, 2023, 5.35 MB
Mon 18 Sep 2023

A University of Canterbury research team has been working with Tuahiwi whānau, including local kaumātua (elder), on turning five Tuahiwi-based stories into children’s picture books.

News and Editorial Director Jessica Hopkins spoke to Senior Lecturer in Māori education at the University of Waikato, Jennifer Smith (Ngāti Whātua, Ngāpuhi), about their kaupapa