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The Saturday Mixtape with Sam: August 24, 2019

This week's show featured new music from Rapsody, Sulfate, Vince Staples, Brockhampton and Little Brother. 

Rapsody - Nina
Purple Pilgrims - Sensing Me
Yoko Ono - Walking On Thin Ice
Prince - 7
BEING. - Lucy
Surf Friends - You've Got To Know
Ride - Charm Assault
Radiohead - Just
Sulfate - Bush
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Chronos Feasts on His Children
Mermaidens - Millennia
The Last Shadow Puppets - Meeting Place
Elvis Costello & The Imposters - Unwanted Number
The Jam - The Eton Rifles
Bailey Wiley - Lady [Amamelia in the Garage Mix]
Vince Staples - So What? (Episode 01)
Little Brother - What I Came For
Archi Banal - soft x sweet
KLANOA - Half Time Ending
Lee Fields & The Expressions - Where Is The Love
Led Zeppelin - Travelling Riverside Blues
Die! Die! Die! - Like Everyone Else
Dead Kennedys - Holiday In Cambodia
Sonic Youth - Candle
Love Square - Where Does It Go