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JAFA Sound Presents - Nice Up The Dance Dub

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The 95bFM Kids' Show: 7 July 2019

Frosts, trips away and building bridges!

David Walliams - The Ice Monster (ch 9 - 14)
Eddie Spaghetti - Wake Up, Wake Up
Alan Gregg - Grandma Says Oo-hoo!
Levity Beet - Build a Wall or a Bridge
Dan & Dani - A Spider Looking at Me
Ruth Krauss - The Carrot Seed
Eddie Arnold with Daughter Jo-Ann - The Horse In Striped Pyjamas
Anna van Riel - Haere Mai
FleaBITE - Probably Papakura
Dr Seuss - Horton sits on the egg
Kero Kero Bonito - Flamingo
John Williamson - Old Man Emu
Belle & Sebastian - The Monkeys Are Breaking Out The Zoo
Stan Freberg - St. George & The Dragonet