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Useless Eaters - Linear Movement

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The 95bFM Kids' Show - 5 February 2017

We're having a special Kids' Show LIVE from Aotea Square on 19th February! Mr Roberelli and Captain Festus McBoyle will be joining me for some special performances and it'll be an extra hour long! Come down to Aotea Square from 7am on Sunday, 19th Feb!

Enid Blyton - Five Have a Mystery to Solve (Chapters 4, 5)
Eddie Spaghetti - Wake Up, Wake Up
Petite Music Box - Coucou
Anika Moa - Colours are Beautiful
Itty Bitty Beats - Ellie the Elephant
Bobby & the Bonsters -  5 Fierce Pirates
Mr Roberelli - Jacaranda
Levity Beet - Captain Kumara
Fatcat & Fishface - Wreck of the Diddley
Mike Phirman - What makes the Breakfast?
Kath Bee - Dad I Wanna Be a Camel
Gossamer Wump
Captain Festus McBoyle - Bug Stew
Fleabite - No Toast
Rainbow Rosalind - Spinning Round
Jeffrey Addison - Mighty Maui
Little City Critters - I'm No Afraid of the Dark
Judi Cranston - A Pirates Life