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DM Bob And The Deficits - Into My Own Thing

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The 95bFM Kids' Show: 3 October 2021

Another 3-hour lockdown special done and dusted! 

thanks so much to Neve and Esme for another amazing Stuff We Like - check out the recipe for the lemon yoghurt cake on the Kids Show facebook page!

Final pancake count: 19, respectable.

Roald Dahl - The BFG (chapt. 6-7)
Little Ripples - Haere Mai ke te whariki
Beatrix Potter - The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Moe & Friends - Another Year of You
Stan Freberg - Banana Boat Song
Henry Blair - Sparky and the talking train
Charles Penrose - The Laughing Policeman
Dan & Dani - Do The Dinosaur Stomp
Tanya Batt - The Hairy Man
Levity Beet - Trampoline
Belle & Sebastian - The Monkeys Are Breaking Out The Zoo
Te Radar & The NZSO - Peter and the Wolf
Mike Phirman - Cat Cat Frog Frog