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The 95bFM Kids' Show: 3 March 2019

Thanks so much to Levity Beet for coming in to tell us about Kids Music in the Park, and his new upcoming webseries - check out Levity Beet Music on Facebook for more info! 

Roald Dahl - Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (Ch 19 - 24)
Eddie Spaghetti - Wake Up, Wake Up
Little Ripples - Haere Mai ki te Whariki
Kath Bee & Claudia Robin Gunn - Making my Way
Danny Kaye & Dena Kaye - Laugh It Off Upsy Daisy
Henry Blair - Sparky & he Talking Train
Dan & Dani - Do The Dinosaur Stomp!
Levity Beet - Wadami
Poppet Stars - Fishing