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DM Bob And The Deficits - Into My Own Thing

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The 95bFM Kids' Show: 25 July 2021

End of the holidays! We talk birthdays, wiggly teeth and ten pin bowling, plus a great episode of Stuff We Like from Neve and Esme wrapping the holidays up and a CONTROVERSIAL What Am I? game! 

Pancake count: 14

Enid Blyton - Five on a trasure island (ch 9 & 10)
Little Ripples - Haere mai ki te whariki
Kath Bee - Brand New Shoes
Loopy Tunes Preschool Music - He Uri Ngati Hua Rakau
Cy Wynstanley - Marley Sitting on a pumpkin seed
John Williamson - Old Man Emu
Moe & Friends - Another Year of You
Henry Blair - Sparky the talking train
Reynolds Calypso Clippers - Solas Market