First show back for the year! Hope you've had a great break. Thanks to Suzy Cato for coming in to help with the What Am I? game and for talking to us about the Kiwi Kids Music in the Park, happening on the 20th Jan in Coyle Park, Point Chev!
Enid Blyton - Folk of the Faraway Tree (Ch 21, 22, 23)
Eddie Spaghetti - Wake Up, Wake Up
Anika Moa - Colours Are Beautiful
Bobby & The Bonsters - 5 Fierce Pirates
Itty Bitty Beats - Ellie The Elephant
Teardrops - Hipi
Alan Gregg - Elevator Up, Elevator Down
Petite Music Box - Caravan Master
Rebecca Larsen - Hoe, Hoe, Hoea te Waka
Levity Beet & Daniel Stryczek - There's One in the Bush