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Psychic Glands: 12 September, 2019

Gareth Dickson - Atmosphere
M. Grig - Call
Hekla Magnusdottir - I Hring
Grouper - Blouse
Walker Harris English - The House Part II
Ballrogg - Bosom Barb
The Ivytree - In Meadows
Oren Ambarchi - Palm Sugar Candy
Autophonia - Context/Ripeness
Pierre Bastien - Dons Nod
Putra Jaya Melati - Arak-arakan [Majalaya, 3/29]
Ph. Jogwell - Flute Land
Mica Levi - Monos
Marc Barreca - Graymarsh View
Bonnie Prince Billy, Bryce Dessner, Eighth Blackbird - When Thy Song