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Blam Blam Blam - There Is No Depression In New Zealand

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Good Times Radio 1 September 2018

Alex Cameron - Country Figs
Kikagaku Moyo/幾何学模様 - Gatherings
Goatman - Jaam Ak Salam
The Woodentops - Everything Breaks
echo and the bunnymen - People Are Strange
Jeff The Brotherhood - Camel Swallowed Whole
Hex Waves - Venturi Effect
Brockhampton - INFATUATION
Avantdale Bowling Club - F(r)iends
Liquid Liquid - Cavern
Handsome Furs - Evangeline
Suicide - Sweetheart
jitwam. - the love
Princess Nokia - For The Night
Plaines - Things You'd Make Coats Of
The Passions - I'm in Love with a German Film Star
Deer Park - In Ur Prime
neil young - Computer Age
Love and Rockets - No Big Deal
HOLY - Wish
ESG - Dance
Seven Davis Jr. - Family