Today on your bFM Breakfast: Rachel and Tess talk the spring equinox; a round of Second Guessing kick starts your week; Jenna pops in with Patti Smith's latest memoir; and Natural Ange brings some breaking news, don't leave us Ange! All that, and some Laneway excitement to cure your Mondayitis.
Gary Chandler - Kaleidoscope
Vivian Girls - At It Again
Anna Calvi - Blackout
Brittany Howard - History Repeats
Karen Dalton - Something On Your Mind
Chastity Belt - Drown
Surfbort - Saturday Night
Voom - Beautiful Day
Sampa The Great - Dare To Fly feat. Ecca Vandal
Fontaines D.C. - Too Real
Darcy Clay - Jesus I Was Evil
Mac DeMarco - Another One
Hex - Witches of the Hex
Taciana - Tudo Faz Sentido
Bailter Space - Retro
Shonen Knife - When You Sleep [My Bloody Valentine Cover]