Mass Appeal with Hudge
10am - 12pm
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The Wire bCasts
Experts call for more attention to urban fire planning amidst the climate crisis
‘A catch-22’: Hunt for loopholes amidst significant changes to new vaping laws
Aotearoa joining AUKUS would be ‘pointless’ amid global tensions caused by the US
How is the coalition government’s new school lunch programme going?
Should Aotearoa adopt an animal welfare police unit?
New NCEA tests ‘creating equity crisis’ among low-income schools
Will Charter Schools be the answer for neurodiverse and disabled students?
Burn the system: Critics raise concerns about the US’ ‘fire camp programmes’ for incarcerated workers
Expert — Recent amendments to stalking legislation do not protect victims as well as they should
New report suggests family reunification system failing
New Zealand ‘dragging the chain’ with the nation’s updated climate target
Epidemiologist calls for those to vaccinate against whooping cough to protect young tamariki
Changes to Meta are ‘to satisfy Trump and his supporters’
Change in Health Minister irrelevant if no policy transformation says nurses organisation
Recent study shows large increase in use of medicinal cannabis
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