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Today we are bursting with excitement and more than a little stress, to reveal our brand new website. To celebrate this (and more) with the biggest prize pack we've ever given away* makes this an incredible week for bFM and you, our community.
But you can read about the prize pack on the other page. This story celebrates a team who have helped us for two decades, a team who have partnered with us for the future, and how this new site will change your experience with us.
One of the first things you'll notice is the play button front and centre up top - and bFM will keep playing even when you navigate away to other pages. We're saving you a little Shazam time by providing a real-time song feed - but as our DJs get free choice too not everything will show up straight away. In time you'll be able to like songs, which can then be remembered for later, or to suggestions for who to vote for in the Top 10 when the time comes - but we're getting ahead of ourselves.
This new site is the work of Sparks Interactive, a web agency in Auckland and Wellington. bFM fans, they broached the idea of building us this site just casually while we were picking up an unwanted table (we really hate paying for anything). Despite our best efforts to let them know what they were getting themselves into, they apparently never looked back (maybe in the last week though eh guys?). Huge thanks to Hayden, Dave, Matt, Soames, Kinson and all the team for an amazing amount of work - we're over the bloody moon.
We also want to acknowledge a team who has contributed an amazing amount to bFM over many many years. Cactuslab (by way of WebMedia) is the reason we were the first radio station in New Zealand to broadcast online, and they've been with us ever since. Matt, Karl and their team have been more than generous over the years and there is really no way to show them how thankful we are.
So enjoy the site, and keep checking back. Over time the archive will migrate, and new features will roll out. Don't forget to save us to your mobile desktop - and for God's sake go and enter the Super Summer Sorted Competition.
Hugh Sundae
General Manager
*may not be the biggest, but we think it is. There is always some dick who knows better though
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