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Every second Tuesday on 95bFM Drive with Jonny and Big Hungry, an engineer from Roundhead Studios brings in a piece of sound making equipment from their studio to show off the vibe and history. Broadcast fortnightly from Auckland, only on 95bFM.
Tonight the guys get chatting with punk rock band Downtown Boys
Tonight the guys discuss Autotune units, mucking around with a floor unit made by TC-helicon
Tonight the guys have a chat with Scott Kannberg aka Spiral Stairs about the illustrious Hot Cake
Tonight the guys attack loopers again
Tonight the guys are discussing loopers
Tonight the guys are discussing EF103 the Guitar Disruptor from Electro-Faustus
Tonight the guys discuss the Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory boy analog delay pedal
Tonight we have Robbie Fulks in the studio playing a few of his country tunes
Tools of The Trade thanks to Heatpump Cleaning Specialists : Tonight we discuss the iconic Roland SH-101
Tools of The Trade thanks to Heatpump Cleaning Specialists : Tonight we are talking Phin the Thai instrument