Every second Tuesday on 95bFM Drive with Jonny and Big Hungry, an engineer from Roundhead Studios brings in a piece of sound making equipment from their studio to show off the vibe and history. Broadcast fortnightly from Auckland, only on 95bFM.
Paddy from Roundhead visits the bFM studio to chat about the new UAD at Roundhead. Basically the hottest piece of software/hardware in audio land at the moment. Is it worth the bucks? What sounds good? How does it work? Will it make Paddy a better producer? Pluses/Minuses? All covered.
Paddy from Roundhead is tied up at the studio, so the boys play an interview with Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails talking about his love of Moog synthesizers.
Paddy from Roundhead visits the bFM studio to chat about various recording techniques including compression, cool musical instruments people have brought to record at Roundhead and the history of the Neve desk.
Paddy from Roundhead brings a Roland Juno-6 down to the bFM studios. It's one of his favourite tools to recommend to those looking to synthesize some musical magic.
Paddy from Roundhead visits bFM to demo a couple of delay units. Including an Australian Tape Echo machine made by Echofix, and also a Bucket Brigade made by Martin Hannett who produced Joy Division, New Order and the Happy Mondays. Talk about rad!
Paddy from Roundhead visits bFM to demonstrate a couple of Ribbon Microphones they have available to use. The Avantone CR-14 and a Coles 4038. They sure sound smooth!
Paddy from Roundhead Studios made an incredible find in a Thames Op Shop over the weekend! A Roland SH-101! A classic synthesizer, used by many great electronic artists of the 90's including the Chemical Brothers, The Prodigy, Les Rhythm Digitales and of course Devo.