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Rob's weekly breakdown of a listener's topic of choice. Be it cryptozoology, astronomy or etomology - Rob's yr China with the Scooby*. *Sorry Rob.
The Bard returns with renewed deception- four truths, one lie. Which is which? A train poem also graces our airwaves.
The Bard brings bees to the b! And is it wiggle or waggle?
Rob Bollix gives us the lowdown on how to improve cognitive function and wake up feeling like your best self.
Rob Bollix brings us yet another fascinating creature... the giant pyrosome.
Nature, Are You Having a Laugh?! by Rob Bollix.
The Bard returns with gifts of poetry, the bees knees, elephant sneezes and ponders humankind's propensity to see faces in just about anything.
The Bard delves into the Mind Trench and pulls out Mr Blobby and black bears.
Rob's back for the first Mind Trench for 2023! Today, it's 'nature, what's all that about?' the frog edition.
Rob's here with a wrap up of all things Mind Trench for 2022, and a hearty poem to round off the year. Whakarongo mai nei!
Rob chats bats, throat singing and gold fish.