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Rob's weekly breakdown of a listener's topic of choice. Be it cryptozoology, astronomy or etomology - Rob's yr China with the Scooby*. *Sorry Rob.
We once again burrow deep into the Mind Trench with your guy, Rob Bollix.
A giant imposter potato, an ancient octopus, and the state of musical theatre all in one neat bundle. Whakarongo mai!
Rob's here with some steep street nonsense. Whakarongo mai!
In defence of weeds...
Rob's here with the history of ties, a poem, and a triple-threat song. Whakarongo mai!
In which Rob discusses the flight of the bumblebee (read: fly) and the jump of the rhino.
What's a dog from a coyote? A mountain from a hill?
The melting of the Larsen C 'berg and a fresh poem from the Bard!
The Bard of Bollix is back for 2022 chatting about moon houses, rabbits, and legless lizards!
Rob chats about the sun exploding, tequila fish and his latest poem. Whakarongo mai!