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The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show

Every Sunday Paddy and a trusted cadre of guests put the week out of its misery with one hundred and twenty minutes of ear-splitting rock and roll.

Two hours of punk, metal, hip hop, hyperpop and everything Hard, Fast and Heavy

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: August 30th, 2020

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: August 30th, 2020 The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: August 30th, 2020, 211.61 MB
Sun 30 Aug 2020

Auckland is still in Level 3 so broadcasting from TA's bedroom across the Whammy Carpark. 

New tracks from METZ, IDLES, Carpenter Brut, Ulver, Bully plus locals COFFIN CLUB, Xile, and Gravel Pit.
Old tracks from Type O Negative, Spazz, Los Crudos, Extortion, and a whole bunch in between.

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: August 23rd, 2020

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: August 23rd, 2020 The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: August 23rd, 2020, 214.49 MB
Sun 23 Aug 2020

Auckland is Locked-down again so broadcasting from TA's bedroom across the Whammy Carpark with the help of Rachel the Robot. New Tracks from Napalm Death, Ulcerate and Vassafor. Old Tracks from Negative Approach, Urban Waste and Against Me!

Go The Warriors.

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: June 7th, 2020

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: June 7th, 2020 The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: June 7th, 2020, 222.45 MB
Sun 7 Jun 2020

I dunno what to tell ya, I wasn't there for this except for the very end and I haven't bothered listening to the recording. This is The Hard Fast And Heavy Show, a well oiled machine; Mookie, Buzzy and Tiff don't need some sort of grindcore themed Stage-Mum, but that's what they've got, and that's who does the podcasting.

Disarm the police, and fuck it; key their cars if you can.

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: May 24, 2020

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: May 24, 2020 The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: May 24, 2020, 222.11 MB
Sun 24 May 2020

Benny is back, tonight he's joined by Alexander Brown of Wrought Material and Glenn Bowman and Alex Grey of Auckland doom metal act Draulicht, they play us something off their upcoming demo and the show devolves into incessant shit talk, essential listening for those who remember the letters to the editors section of the worst fanzines imaginable.

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: May 03, 2020

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: May 03, 2020 The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: May 03, 2020, 213.1 MB
Sun 3 May 2020

It's still Benny broadcasting from his basement, tonights show is mostly kiwi shit from as many distros and labels that I could think of who are currently posting shit. Enjoy.

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: April 12, 2020

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: April 12, 2020 The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: April 12, 2020, 204.56 MB
Sun 12 Apr 2020

Jess and Benny are broadcasting from isolation, fear our mighty metal fists!

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: March 15, 2020

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: March 15, 2020 The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: March 15, 2020, 220.74 MB
Sun 15 Mar 2020

Mookie, Buzzy and Benny are back, theres music and some minimal attempts at yarns. Huddle round your radio and jam some miserable (yet killer) tunes wiht us.

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: February 23, 2020

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: February 23, 2020 The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: February 23, 2020, 222.35 MB
Sun 23 Feb 2020

Buzzy's half asleep, Benny and Mookie jam some sick tunes, usual shit talk applies.

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: February 16, 2020

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: February 16, 2020 The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: February 16, 2020, 218.86 MB
Sun 16 Feb 2020

Punks cannot be trusted to print the correct RPM! Shit talk including 90s song topics, the glory of Mookie's 7" collection and Buzzy's "comforting" ability to play our fave four records each show without fail.

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: January 26, 2020

The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: January 26, 2020 The Hard, Fast & Heavy Show: January 26, 2020, 214.93 MB
Sun 26 Jan 2020

Come and listen to the paranoid ramblings of a sleep deprived fool and his records.
Loads of cool shit, lots of Aotearoa punk and metal, plus some classic death metal stuff.