The 95bFM Top Ten counts down the best tunes from the bFM playlist as chosen by you, with up and coming picks thrown in between for good measure by your hosts, Annabel & Callum.
To vote on the bFM Top Ten, head here or call the studio on 309 3879, or text "vote__" to studio on 5395 before 6pm Wednesdays.
Smashton helms the final Top 10 Show of January as Swallow The Rat take out their second consecutiive number one spot. More bangers and an anticipated return from Jack is in store for next week
Amelia is joined by Che aka bb gurl aka Mallshopper for a conclusive list of the best of the best anime of all time PERIOD. But none of that Shonen nonsense - the good stuff.
Amelia is joined by Annabel from 95bFM Wednesday Morning Glory and music video production luminaries Sports Team to chat about Annabel's best ever jobs. Sadly, she forgets to mention the time she was in a flash mob.