Showing some pretty good humour with regards to certain (ahem) kiss-off phrases his name sounds similar to, His Worship the Mayor of Auckland is also getting pretty good at pre-empting our lines of questioning. Hmm. This week: teachers' inability to afford Auckland living; Auckland Transport recovering from being a bit of a dingus; and the seemingly constant fragility of arts funding.
Phil Goff discusses the challenges of managing Auckland's growth. In particular the difficulty finding and retaining teachers for growing school roles. Mikey also tries to coax Phils thoughts on Winston Peters position... in effectively getting to decide the next government..
As thousands of people have their flights disrupted by the fuel shortage at Auckland Airport; Mikey speaks to Phil about contingency planning for crisis at Auckland Airport. They also discuss the importance of participating in the general election & how Auckland will get its voice heard once the new governement is formed.
In which his Worship talks the Auckland bulding boom. Are Auckland builders cutting to many corners on price, quality, and workmanship to get the job done in time? Should we be expanding Aucklands Urban Boundary out into the countryside?
In which his Worship talks trees: what to do when your constituents are gagging to rip out the chainsaws but the environment loves a good ol' perennial? And speaking of the environment - isn't there a lot of water about lately? What are we doing with reagrds to that?
It's a dribbly old day, but there's still a city to run. Mikey asks and His Worship answers your queries on civic safety and the future of the Henderson Cool Stores.
His Worship the Mayor calls in to talk politics, both regional and international. When a city's infrastructure needs update or maintenance, are there other options than bumping up rates?
It's been a minute since we've talked to His Worship and there's a fair whack to catch up on. Election promises for Auckland from political parties, stressful Council meetings, housing crises, and just who's paying for what?
His Worship the Mayor calls in early to talk City Missions and sleeping rough at the recent Lifewise Big Sleepout. Shortfalls in housing, rehabilitation and education _all_ feed in to our homelessness numbers, so in action against such a complex problem ...where on Earth do we start?
In which Mikey applies for the job of town crier and His Worship discovers he can read broadcaster's thoughts. Feat. appearances from the Waterview 'Tourist Attraction' Tunnel and the Goat Island Marine Reserve.