Mayor Goff's had it up to _here_ with your trash. Literally. Well... maybe not _your_ trash, per se, but the vast piles of it illegally dumped around Auckland each week. Costing ratepayers up to a cool million each year to clean up, His Worship details his plans to get tough on dumping. (There might even be a few swears.)
Get your motor running, yr motorcycling Worship's here with some news about fixing up Auckland's beaches and phasing out the plastic bag. Listen in as we talk timeframes, rates dollars and, Mike's recurring favourite, helicopters.
With kauri dieback, myrtle rust, rates increases and roadworks grumbling to contend with, His Worship Your Mayor doesn't seem to shrink from the hard questions. Front footing a comprehensive rundown of Auckland's year end issues, Mayor Goff wants Auckland (that's you, probably) to know: he's got this.
Amid a media fog of rising rates gloom, Mayor Goff is here to remind us that nice things don't come for free: that a world class city co$t$ world class dollars.
Helicopters: the drug of the nation. [Really? - Ed.] Not only does Mayor Phil fast-track Mikey's concerns directly to the police commissioners, he also implies that our dear Breakfast Host is growing weed.
Plenty to talk about with a mayor who'd like us to 'give nothing to racism' _or_ the Team New Zealand America's Cup hosting fee. And speaking of goings on in Auckland's waters... Mayor Goff once campaigned on opposition to 'dolphin' extensions into the downtown harbour, but has now kowtowed to that particular apparent cruise ship need. How come?
The mayor's a busy man, Auckland. ...But never too busy for the bFM listenership. Not shying away from the hard questions, Mike asks His Worship about travel expenditure, port sludge and good ol' Auckland rates.
After a brief sabbatical, His Worship returns to the fold for a bumper edition of 'Sounding Off'. Not one to shy away from answering the hard questions, Mikey approaches your Mayor with queries from the studio, the listenership and the Auckland area beyond.