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Labour's Carmel Sepuloni

Our weekly catch-up with Deputy Leader of the opposition, Carmel Sepuloni, every Thursday on The Wire.

Labour's Andrew Little: 15th August 2019

Labour's Andrew Little: 15th August 2019 Labour's Andrew Little: 15th August 2019, 21.73 MB
Thu 15 Aug 2019

Justice Minister Andrew Little talks to Stewart on prisoner voting, Huawei, sexual violence courts and why could a letter from the alleged Christchurch gunman be sent to a 4chan user in Russia.

Labour's Andrew Little on abortion law reform: August 8, 2019

Labour's Andrew Little on abortion law reform: August 8, 2019 Labour's Andrew Little on abortion law reform: August 8, 2019, 21.99 MB
Thu 8 Aug 2019

This week, it’s all about abortion. The first reading of the government’s abortion reform bill is set to go to first reading today. It would take abortion out of the Crimes Act, meaning there is no test for abortion up to 20 weeks - and from then on, a statutory test focusing on the mental and physical wellbeing of the woman. It’s a slightly more conservative version of one of three tests proposed by the Law Commission. But, after the Bill was announced earlier this week, NZ First has announced plans to seek a referendum on the issue. So, what does it all mean for the Bill? The Minister talks to Stewart Sowman-Lund.


Labour's Andrew Little: July 25, 2019

Labour's Andrew Little: July 25, 2019 Labour's Andrew Little: July 25, 2019, 21.05 MB
Thu 25 Jul 2019

Labour's Andrew Little joins host Stewart Sowman-Lund for his weekly catch-up. This week, he explains the raft of law reforms that have made the news this week. Plus, should the government intervene at Ihumatao? And finally, what did he make of the Green Party's attack ad on Simon Bridges?

A Little Chat w / Andrew Little; 18 July, 2019

A Little Chat w / Andrew Little; 18 July, 2019 A Little Chat w / Andrew Little; 18 July, 2019, 22.97 MB
Thu 18 Jul 2019

Andrew Little joins us again this week just as he is about to step aboard an aeroplane. Lillian Hanly speaks to him about the Crime Fund, Drones and road safety changes. Minister Little is however heading to Whangarei tomorrow to visit the District Court, so Lillian starts by asking what such a visit involves.

The Labour Party's Andrew Little: 11th of July, 2019

The Labour Party's Andrew Little: 11th of July, 2019 The Labour Party's Andrew Little: 11th of July, 2019, 34.29 MB
Thu 11 Jul 2019

Andrew Little is here for his weekly catch-up. Lillian Hanly talks with the Minister about internet privacy, the new Race Relations Commissioner, and they also touch on abortion law reform.

Labour's Andrew Little vs Google: July 4, 2019

Labour's Andrew Little vs Google: July 4, 2019 Labour's Andrew Little vs Google: July 4, 2019, 7.43 MB
Thu 4 Jul 2019

Labour Party Minister Andrew Little talks to Stewart Sowman-Lund a week on from a Cabinet reshuffle that saw the creation of a new Housing Ministerial team. Plus, why is Minister Little up in arms over Google?

Labour's Andrew Little on the Family Courts: June 20, 2019

Labour's Andrew Little on the Family Courts: June 20, 2019 Labour's Andrew Little on the Family Courts: June 20, 2019, 26 MB
Thu 20 Jun 2019

Labour's Andrew Little is back for another week to chat with host Stewart Sowman-Lund. This week - why is the Family Court system a "mess" and how can it be fixed? Plus, with Cantabrians continuing to struggle after the 2011 Earthquake, how is Labour delivering on their election promises?

Labour's Stuart Nash on Budget Day and Bullying: May 23, 2019

Labour's Stuart Nash on Budget Day and Bullying: May 23, 2019 Labour's Stuart Nash on Budget Day and Bullying: May 23, 2019, 10.51 MB
Thu 23 May 2019

This week, Minister for Police, Fisheries, Revenue, and Small Business Stuart Nash is here filling in for Andrew Little. Minister Nash talked with host Stewart Sowman-Lund about the Government’s wellbeing budget a week out from Budget Day. Are there going to be any surprises?

Plus, a new report has revealed parliament is a toxic worksplace… with a systemic bullying problem. What does Minister Nash make of it all? 


Labour's Andrew Little: May 2, 2019

Labour's Andrew Little: May 2, 2019 Labour's Andrew Little: May 2, 2019, 20.4 MB
Thu 2 May 2019

Labour Minister Andrew Little drops in for his weekly catch-up with host Stewart Sowman-Lund.

This week they're tackling the rather diverse topics of hate speech, Brian Tamaki and Pike River.*

*Note: This interview was recorded before the announcement that Pike River re-entry had been delayed due to safety concerns.


Labour's Andrew Little: April 11, 2019

Labour's Andrew Little: April 11, 2019 Labour's Andrew Little: April 11, 2019, 21 MB
Thu 11 Apr 2019

Host Stewart Sowman-Lund chats to Andrew Little for his weekly chat. Today, what does Minister Little make of the End of Life Choice bill? And how does he think this parliament will be remembered, after the passing of new gun legislation? Plus - concern over a number of complaints regarding a recent treaty settlement.