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Labour's Carmel Sepuloni

Our weekly catch-up with Deputy Leader of the opposition, Carmel Sepuloni, every Thursday on The Wire.

Labour's Andrew Little - Foreign donors and cannabis: December 5, 2019

Labour's Andrew Little - Foreign donors and cannabis: December 5, 2019 Labour's Andrew Little - Foreign donors and cannabis: December 5, 2019, 20.63 MB
Thu 5 Dec 2019

It’s been a massive week for Minister Andrew Little. So much so, that this chat only scratches the surface of some of the announcements he’s been involved in.

This week, the government moved under urgency to pass a piece of legislation banning foreign donations to political parties in New Zealand. Plus, a draft copy of the bill allowing for the legalisation of cannabis has been released. That’s the bill you and I will be voting on at the polling booth in September next year. 

Stewart Sowman-Lund talks to Minister Little about the two pieces of legislation.


Labour's Andrew Little: 21st November 2019

Labour's Andrew Little: 21st November 2019 Labour's Andrew Little: 21st November 2019, 24.3 MB
Thu 21 Nov 2019

Justin talks to Justice Minister Andrew Little about the government's changes to rental laws, a new national interest test when selling assests, New Zealand First's party donations and current progress at the Pike River Mine.

Labour's Andrew Little: 14th November 2019

Labour's Andrew Little: 14th November 2019 Labour's Andrew Little: 14th November 2019, 10.82 MB
Thu 14 Nov 2019

Justin talks to Justice Minister Andrew Little on the government's new firearms legeslation, a government bill on sexual violence victims, as well as his thoughts on the new Sustainable New Zealand party and Bird of the Year results.

Labour's Andrew Little: Is it time the government stopped conversion therapy? October 31, 2019

Labour's Andrew Little: Is it time the government stopped conversion therapy? October 31, 2019 Labour's Andrew Little: Is it time the government stopped conversion therapy? October 31, 2019, 19.83 MB
Thu 31 Oct 2019

Justice Minister Andrew Little swings by for his weekly political slot with Stewart Sowman-Lund. This week, why are NZ First MPs not showing up to select committee discussions on the arms legislation? Would Labour support National's welfare policies? And is it time the government banned conversion therapy?

Labour's Andrew Little on terrorism and TV3: October 24, 2019

Labour's Andrew Little on terrorism and TV3: October 24, 2019 Labour's Andrew Little on terrorism and TV3: October 24, 2019, 20.41 MB
Thu 24 Oct 2019

Justice Minister Andrew Little’s back for his weekly political catch-up. Today, his new anti-terrorism legislation has hit a bump in the road with National pulling support. Plus, MediaWorks are selling TV3 - should the government step in? He gives Stewart Sowman-Lund his thoughts.


Labour's Andrew Little on polling and counter-terrorism: October 17, 2019

Labour's Andrew Little on polling and counter-terrorism: October 17, 2019 Labour's Andrew Little on polling and counter-terrorism: October 17, 2019, 18.82 MB
Thu 17 Oct 2019

Justice Minister Andrew Little is back for his weekly chat with host Stewart Sowman-Lund. This week: Polling might spell bad news for Labour. What does the Minister make of it all? And why are the Greens planning to vote against new counter terrorism legislation. 


Labour's Andrew Little: September 26, 2019

Labour's Andrew Little: September 26, 2019 Labour's Andrew Little: September 26, 2019, 21.01 MB
Thu 26 Sep 2019

Labour Minister Andrew Little joins Wire host Stewart Sowman-Lund for his weekly political catch-up. This week, the Prime Minister's been at the United Nations pushing for a free trade agreement with the United States. She also had her first meeting with President Trump and continued discussions following the Christchurch Call. Plus, would the Minister support lowering our voting age? And is he still committed to updating our surrogacy laws.

Labour's Andrew Little: September 19, 2019

Labour's Andrew Little: September 19, 2019 Labour's Andrew Little: September 19, 2019, 19.23 MB
Thu 19 Sep 2019

The Labour Party’s been in crisis mode the past fortnight, with serious allegations of sexual assault from within the Party - and accusations of mishandling by the Prime Minister and other MPs. Host Stewart Sowman-Lund talks to Minister Little about the accusations. Plus, how do we stop Google from continuing to breach New Zealand’s name suppression laws? And what will the Prime Minister talk about with President Trump next week?


Labour's Andrew Little: 12th September 2019

Labour's Andrew Little: 12th September 2019 Labour's Andrew Little: 12th September 2019, 11.69 MB
Thu 12 Sep 2019

Justin talks to Justice Minister Andrew Little on making New Zealand history compulsory in schools, new mental health initiatives by the government, abortion law, and National leader Simon Bridges' recent trip to China. 

Labour's Andrew Little: August 22, 2019

Labour's Andrew Little: August 22, 2019 Labour's Andrew Little: August 22, 2019, 20.11 MB
Thu 22 Aug 2019

Andrew Little joins host Stewart Sowman-Lund for his weekly catch-up.

This week - a new bill proposes to allow bars to stay open late for the Rugby World Cup. Plus, a major meth bust has seen a number of Australian deportees involved.