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Graveyard with John Baker

Friday Night with Guest DJs September 16, 2017

Friday Night with Guest DJs September 16, 2017.mp3 mp3, 194.25 MB
Fri 15 Sep 2017
Morgana covers this weeks Friday night party platter...everyone else was busy and she was the only one without plans. Speaking rations are in place. 

The One To Four With Bridge, Weds 6th September, 2017

The One To Four With Bridge, Weds 6th September, 2017.mp3 mp3, 308.57 MB
Wed 6 Sep 2017
Bridge let me do his show!...I don't know what he was thinking either...but I admire his balls.

Graveyard with Morgana September 5, 2017

Graveyard with Morgana September 5, 2017.mp3 mp3, 135.98 MB
Tue 5 Sep 2017
What a total jammy set of thrashy, grindy, dirty, beautiful, belters by which to make babies by.... Gaaaaaaaadayum.

This weeks shows success rate '8 clean teaspoons in the drawer out of 10'  (<----I dont know about you but teaspoons are like prison currency in my house)

Graveyard with Morgana August 29, 2017

Graveyard with Morgana August 29, 2017.mp3 mp3, 207.22 MB
Tue 29 Aug 2017
DUUUUUUUUUUUUUDEBLOODS, This weeks show slayed SO HARD!!! 
Apart from tyyyyyyyyte tuneage, I also tell a funny story about the time I almost got my tampon ripped out by an in sink waste disposal unit and get a suprise guest cameo voice message from Burzums, Varg Vikernes!!!
Show rating '9.5 Olympic gymnasts knocking out there front teeth at the beginning of a routine but still completeing the WHOLE THING SEEMLESSLY out of 10' 

What Japes!

Graveyard with Morgana August 22, 2017

Graveyard with Morgana August 22, 2017.mp3 mp3, 219.22 MB
Tue 22 Aug 2017
Snotty, shit head garage punk for everyone!!!!!!!!
This weeks show is a house party full of total pahnk kants; TOTAL dickbags the ones that think it's funny to leave a shit in your fridge but make really REALLY leathery tyte tunes, so, mehhh....
I'm not gonna lie though, I dont talk for the last half hour because I had to bench press some z's under the desk, but that first hour, my God. HAWT. SHYT.

The One To Four with Pennie Black: August 21, 2017

The One To Four with Pennie Black: August 21, 2017.mp3 mp3, 307.4 MB
Mon 21 Aug 2017
Covered by Morgana, blame her...

Graveyard with Morgana August 15, 2017

Graveyard with Morgana August 15, 2017.mp3 mp3, 221.48 MB
Tue 15 Aug 2017
By Jove, I think she's got it! One a scale of 'one-to-schnailed-it' I would say this week, I motha lickin' schnailed it. 
'9 novelty singing christmas lawn ornaments that go on for sliiiightly too long but you cant help pressing one more time out of 10'!!!!
PART 1 - A buxom, overflowing Cornucopia of Grind & Powerviolence for your angsty, shouty, cathartic pleasure.
PART 2 - Playlist & Listners Choice!!!

Graveyard with Morgana July 25, 2017

Graveyard with Morgana July 25, 2017.mp3 mp3, 200.7 MB
Tue 25 Jul 2017
On a scale of 'one-to-holy hell, what the deuce's going on?' I would put that at a solid 'holy hell, what the deuce's going on?' to be totally fair...
This weeks shows success sits at lenient '5 patronising big facebook messenger thumbs out of 10'!! 

Graveyard with Morgana July 18, 2017

Graveyard with Morgana July 18, 2017.mp3 mp3, 222.83 MB
Tue 18 Jul 2017
...Another fraut unt frivolous dickslide (...great phrase! I'm coining that right now) through a thick slew o' all over the place snotty shithead punk for your listening paleeeeessiure. This week I learn how to not sound like I've never had a glass of water in my life but do make a continual really annoying 'stttt' sound with my mouth, so I'm sorry about that...why am I telling you this? Because that's what I do! If you listened to the show you would know that already, so...who looks stupid now. Still me! This weeks shows success rate '7 moderately sized glazed hams out of 10'!!!! Wehey! 

Graveyard with Morgana July 11, 2017

Graveyard with Morgana July 11, 2017.mp3 mp3, 217.21 MB
Tue 11 Jul 2017

The missing episode! Hideous Sun Demon edition, out of the Graveyard and into your ears.