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City Counselling

Two alternating Auckland City Councillor's Lotu Fuli and Shane Henderson tell us the latest in Council news every Thursday on The Wire. 

Buses, Trains and Water w/ Cr. Shane Henderson: 16 July, 2021

Buses, Trains and Water w/ Cr. Shane Henderson: 16 July, 2021 Shane Henderson: 16 July, 2021, 10.84 MB
Fri 16 Jul 2021

Noah Ferguson-Dudding spoke to Cr. Shane Henderson about proposed bus connections to the north-west, city rail, and the three waters reform.

City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: 2 November, 2023

City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: 2 November, 2023 City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: 2 November, 2023, 10.61 MB

Kiwis are being urged to be vigilant about measles to get vaccinated. Measles vaccination for children in Aotearoa is currently sitting at 83.2% when it needs to be 10% higher to be taking full effect. Today I spoke with Microbiologist and PAA ambassador Dr Juliet Elvy about the importance of measles vaccination in Aotearoa, and where we need to be sitting in order to keep our communities safe.

City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: 22 February, 2024

City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: 22 February, 2024 City Counselling w/ Shane Henderson: 22 February, 2024, 11.94 MB

The government has announced it will be repealing the Three Waters programme, criticising the co-governance element, which would have given Māori with mana whenua to the area a 50 percent presence on strategic oversight boards. It also would have shifted management of drinking, waste and stormwater services into 10 large independent entities.

National, ACT and New Zealand First voted in favour of repealing the programme, while Labour, the Green Party and Te Pāti Māori were opposed.

Beth spoke to Counsellor for Waitakere, Shane Henderson, about the potential impacts of the government’s repeal on the Council, and how it will affect its planning of water infrastructure, particularly in light of climate change and the severe weather events we saw last year.

Māori Ward Referendums and a new stadium for Auckland? w/ Councillor Lotu Fuli: 6 June, 2024

Māori Ward Referendums and a new stadium for Auckland? w/ Councillor Lotu Fuli: 6 June, 2024 Māori Ward Referendums and a new stadium for Auckland? w/ Councillor Lotu Fuli: 6 June, 2024, 6.23 MB

Legislation is currently going through parliament which would force all councils to have binding referendums on Māori wards, instead of the previous process which has allowed each council to determine if they have wards themselves.

Wire Host Caeden chats with Lotu Fuli about Māori ward referendums, as well as renewed discussions in Auckland Council about a new Auckland stadium.

They started by asking if Auckland Council had made a submission on Māori ward referendums.