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Get Action!

We talk to different Action Station petitioners campaigning for a fairer future every Wednesday on The Wire.

Get Action! Demand Accountability for Disinformation in Public Discourse w/ Louisa Wall and Samantha Green: August 14, 2024

Get Action! Demand Accountability for Disinformation in Public Discourse w/ Louisa Wall and Samantha Green: August 14, 2024 Get Action! Demand Accountability for Disinformation in Public Discourse w/ Louisa Wall and Samantha Green: August 14, 2024, 25.86 MB
Wed 14 Aug 2024

Algerian Boxer Imane Khelif was the subject of a widespread disinformation campaign during this year’s olympics, with commentators and netizens from right-wing spaces alleging that Khelif had been assigned male at birth and should not have qualified to compete in the women’s Olympic boxing tournament.

No medical evidence has been given to suggest that Khelif had XY chromosomes or elevated levels of testosterone and the International Olympic Committee issued a statement saying that Khelif fulfilled all the requirements needed to compete in women’s boxing. 

However, this did not stop our own Deputy Prime Minister, Winston Peters, from contributing to the disinformation campaign against Khelif, making a statement on X, formerly twitter, saying that Khelif had “failed a gender test”, which is why NZ first fought for gender rules in sports to be in their coalition agreement. 

In response, concerned citizens and takatāpui, Louisa Wall and Samantha Green, launched a petition on our action station calling for Peters to be held accountable for his comments and for legislative framework to be established for officials who peddle disinformation. 

For this week’s Get Action! Oto spoke to Louisa and Samantha about the petition and their calls to the government.

To sign this petition, click here:

Get Action! VUW: Divest from Israel and support Palestine w/ Ayah Kayed: 17 July, 2024

Get Action! VUW Divest from Israel and support Palestine w Ayah Kayed 17 July, 2024.mp3 mp3, 6.1 MB
Wed 17 Jul 2024

A petition was recently started by members of Students for Justice in Palestine Pōneke calling for Victoria University of Wellington to Divest its funding from the state of Israel, Implement a Boycott, Divest, Sanctions policy, and establish scholarships and fellowships for Palestinian students and academics.

Since the petition was launched last week, it’s received almost 200 signatures from Victoria university students, faculty and members of the public. 

For this week’s Get Action! Oto spoke to Ayah Kayed from Students for Justice in Palestine Pōneke to discuss the petition and it’s calls to Victoria university.

Click here if you'd like to sign the petition.

Get Action! “Massey University: Divest from Genocide” w/ Dinithi Bowatte: July 1, 2024

Get Action! “Massey University: Divest from Genocide” w/ Dinithi Bowatte: July 1, 2024 Get Action! “Massey University: Divest from Genocide” w/ Dinithi Bowatte: July 1, 2024, 14.07 MB
Mon 1 Jul 2024

Amidst the global student protests campaigning against the involvement of Academic Institutions in Israel’s ongoing war in Gaza, many universities in Aotearoa have organised similar protests, calling on their universities to disclose their investments and divest from the State of Israel.

Following a recent protest at Massey University in solidarity with Palestine, students found out that the University had invested more than $7,000 in Israeli government bonds within the past three months. 

For this week’s Get Action! Oto spoke to Dinithi Bowatte, a student at Massey and member of Students for Justice in Palestine, who organised a petition calling for the university to disclose its investments and to divest from the State of Israel.

If you’d like to sign this petition, you can find it here: 

You can also keep track of Students for Justice in Palestine at Massey on @massey.sjp on Instagram.

Get Action! Say NO to Youth Offender Boot Camps w Clara Donne: 5 June, 2024

Get Action! Say NO to Youth Offender Boot Camps w Clara Donne: 5 June, 2024 Get Action! Say NO to Youth Offender Boot Camps w Clara Donne: 5 June, 2024, 16.05 MB
Wed 5 Jun 2024

One of the coalition government’s promises during the general election was to introduce Military-style boot camps for young offenders, as part of their purported commitment to crack down on crime in Aotearoa. 

So far, the government seems to be on track to upholding this promise, and announced earlier in March that the first Youth-Offender boot camps would be set up around this time of the year. 

However, a number of critics have come forward in opposition to the government’s plans for youth-offender bootcamps, claiming that when they were first implemented in 2009 under the John Key government, they failed to improve outcomes and reduce recidivism for troubled youth.

For this week’s Get Action! Oto spoke to Clara Donne, President of the Criminological Society at Otago University, who’s started a petition calling for the government to roll back it’s plans to re-establish Youth Offender Camps.

Get Action! Coalition for the Safety of Women and Children and AVA Anti-Violence Action's Petition for Stalking Legislation w Leonie Morris: 8 May, 2024

Get Action! Coalition for the Safety of Women and Children and AVA Anti-Violence Action's Petition for Stalking Legislation w Leonie Morris: 8 May, 2024 Get Action! Coalition for the Safety of Women and Children and AVA Anti-Violence Action's Petition for Stalking Legislation w Leonie Morris: 8 May, 2024, 12.21 MB
Wed 8 May 2024

On the 19th of December 2022, Farzana Yaqubi, a 21 year old law student at AUT, was murdered by a man who had been repeatedly stalking her and sending her threatening messages on social media. In the months leading up to her murder, Farzana made multiple police reports with evidence of her experienced stalking, urging law enforcement to intervene. However, her reports were effectively disregarded and treated as low priority, as there are no official laws in Aotearoa that criminalise stalking.

Farzana’s murder triggered a call to the government from numerous women’s rights advocates across the motu to come up with more effective legislation to criminalise stalking and establish more effective preventative measures in law enforcement.

For this week’s Get Action! Oto spoke to Leonie Morris from the Auckland Women’s Centre, to discuss a petition calling for the official criminalisation of stalking.

If you're interested, you can sign the petition here:

Get Action! NZEI’s Petition for Early Childhood Education Pay Parity w/ Early Childhood Kaiako Hayley Cross: 1 May, 2024

Get Action! NZEI’s Petition for Early Childhood Education Pay Parity w/ Early Childhood Kaiako Hayley Cross: 1 May, 2024 Get Action! NZEI’s Petition for Early Childhood Education Pay Parity w/ Early Childhood Kaiako Hayley Cross: 1 May, 2024, 12.16 MB
Wed 1 May 2024

The government recently made a series of changes to the licensing requirements for early childhood centres to be able to operate. 

These include repealing the network approval provisions for people looking to establish early learning centres and removing the Person Responsible Staff requirements to have a full teaching licence.

The government justified these reforms by saying regulation cuts would make it easier for early childhood centres to operate, thus addressing Aotearoa’s teacher shortage.

However, many Kaiako working in early childhood education have said deregulation does not address the root causes of the teacher shortage, and that more focus is needed on addressing pay inequality for teachers within the sector.

For this week’s Get Action! Oto spoke to Early childhood Kaiako and member of the New Zealand Educational Institute, Hayley Cross, to discuss a petition from the union to the government calling for pay parity in early childhood education.

Get Action! w Advocate Abdul Safi. April 10th, 2024

Get Action! w Advocate Abdul Safi. April 10th, 2024 April 10th, 2024, 14.28 MB
Wed 10 Apr 2024

For this week's Get Action! Sofia spoke to petitioner Abdul Safi and his campaign to place sanctions on Israel amidst genocidal acts that are widely considered war crimes.

If you want to sign this petition, you can find it here:

Get Action! w Susan Maiava, Co-founder of Fair & Good

Get Action! Modern Slavery Legislation w Susan Maiava Co-founder of Fair & Good Get Action! Modern Slavery Legislation w Susan Maiava Co-founder of Fair & Good, 14.86 MB
Wed 27 Mar 2024

It is estimated that 50 million people worldwide are currently involved in some form of slavery. Many of those who have been enslaved for their labour, and work as child labourers, produce goods that we import and consume on a regular basis here in Aotearoa. 

Currently, there is no existing legislation in Aotearoa that requires companies to disclose the source of their goods, or to ensure that their products are being ethically produced; giving them free rein to indulge in modern slavery in order to cut their production costs. 

Producer Oto spoke to Dr Susan Maiava, Co-Founder of the ethical directory Fair & Good who have created a petition and open letter urging the government to introduce modern slavery legislation.

Get Action! w Ngāti Kahu o Torongare: 13 March, 2024

Get Action! w Ngāti Kahu o Torongare: 13 March, 2024 Get Action! w Ngāti Kahu o Torongare: 13 March, 2024, 11.58 MB
Wed 13 Mar 2024

For Get Action!, Ngāti Kahu o Torongare joins producer Sofia Kent to talk about their current petition that stands against a series of land injustices.

Wāhi tapu of Whangārei, Te Kamo is battling an approved consent that will see 93 homes built upon sacred Onoke Pā.

Though having been legally recognised as wāhi tapu (sacred land), the council has chosen to ignore significant cultural importance in lieu of urban development.

Nicki Wakefield begins by explaining the significance of Onoke Pā.

Get Action! w/ Common Grace Aotearoa Co-Director, Kate Day: 7 February, 2024

Get Action! w/ Common Grace Aotearoa Co-Director, Kate Day: 7 February, 2024 Get Action! w/ Common Grace Aotearoa Co-Director, Kate Day: 7 February, 2024, 6 MB
Wed 7 Feb 2024

For Get Action! The segment where we talk to people campaigning for a fairer future, News and Editorial Director, Jessica Hopkins, spoke to Common Grace Aotearoa Co-Director, Kate Day, who is calling on the Electricity Authority to better protect families struggling with power prices.