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Wire Worry Week: Sexual Harassment I/V w/ Māmari Stephens: September 19, 2018

Wire Worry Week: Sexual Harassment I/V w/ Māmari Stephens: September 19, 2018

Wire Worry Week: Sexual Harassment I/V w/ Māmari Stephens: September 19, 2018 Wire Worry Week: Sexual Harassment I/V w/ Māmari Stephens: September 19, 2018, 15.95 MB
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

For worry week, we are discussing sexual harassment.

When I was looking more into this topic, I came across an article by Vox, which discussed a allegation made by a woman against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.

Vox discussed how the the New York Times, who were the first to break the story, labelled this as sexual misconduct, and not sexual assault.This got me thinking, of how our media and our society discuss these issues and use the terms interchangeably and what the consequences of doing this could be.

To find out more about this, Darashpreet Johal spoke to Māmari Stephens, senior lecturer at the school of law at Victoria University.

As a content warning, this discussion involves Mamari and I talking about what the terms, sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual misconduct mean and discussing a sexual abuse case that involves a child.

If any of this content was harmful or disturbing in any way, please let us know and if you and someone you know has been affected by this, please know you can call.


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