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Wednesday Wire

The Wire with Lillian: Wednesday 8th November

Wednesday Wire Wednesday Wire, 122.57 MB
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

On today's wire, Allan Blackman talks to us about Marie Curie on Dear Science. Curie was the first women to win a nobel prize and her research into radioactivity has been influential. 

Conor Knell talks with Roland Henwood about the political situation in Zimbabwe right now.

Tracey Martin from New Zealand First tells us about what happened in Parliament yesterday and the party's plans regarding the TPPA11. 

The Auckland Art Gallery is facing a funding shortage and Chris Brookes, Regional Facilities Auckland CEO tells us more about that.

Surf Life Saving Northern Region is also facing an uncertain future due to unstable funding and Matt Williams, CEO, tells us about the role of a lifeguard.