Violence in Schools and how this connects with Covid-19 lockdowns w/ Professional Teaching Fellow in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Auckland, Dr Brian Marsh: 2 October, 2024
Violence in Schools and how this connects with Covid-19 lockdowns w/ Professional Teaching Fellow in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Auckland, Dr Brian Marsh: 2 October, 2024

Recently there has been a spike in reported violence within schools across the country.
In March, The Education Review Offices’ Education Evaluation head, Ruth Shinoda, discussed a report into the findings with RNZ, saying that New Zealand ranks amongst the worst for disruptive behaviour in classrooms, with this only increasing in the past few years.
In 2022, 29% of the total number of students stood down in schools were due to physical assaults on other students, with 3% being stood down for physical assaults on staff members.
News and Editorial Director, Joel, spoke to Professional Teaching Fellow in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Auckland, Dr Brian Marsh, about this rise in violence, and how these rising statistics stem from students being in isolation during the Covid-19 lockdowns.