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Veganism and Climate Change w/ Claire Insley: June 10, 2022

Veganism and Climate Change w/ Claire Insley: June 10, 2022

Veganism and Climate Change w/ Claire Insley: June 10, 2022 Veganism and Climate Change w/ Claire Insley: June 10, 2022, 21.52 MB
Friday, June 10, 2022

At an international climate summit in Germany, experts urged the world to transition towards plant-based diets. 

IPCC research has shown that an uptake in such plant-based diets having the potential to massively reduce carbon emissions, and could be one of the major lifestyle changes necessary to combat climate change.

Casper spoke to Claire Insley, spokesperson for the Vegan Society of Aotearoa, about the impact of our diets on climate change and how it might be possible to reduce emissions by having more people transition to plant-based.