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The Wire with Laura: 20th of March, 2020

The Wire with Laura: 20th of March, 2020

The Wire with Laura: 20th of March, 2020 The Wire with Laura: 20th of March, 2020, 103.85 MB
Friday, March 20, 2020

This week on the Friday Wire...


The National Party's Denise Lee joins Laura Kvigstad to discuss the recent criticism Simon Bridges has received for his handling of issues related to covid 19. After that, they chat about why National is calling for better transparency on the criteria for school closures. Finally, they chat about National's calls for biotech in the attempts to make Aotearoa predator-free. 


Then, Salient FM down in Wellington has closed it's doors, switching in favour of podcasting, which appears to be an audio supplement of the magazine, rather than a mix of student volunteers producing a variety of programming. Corey Fuimaono speaks with former Salient FM co-manager Nav Nair and VUWSA President Geo Robrigado, making sense of what has been an unexpected demise. 

Salient Co-Editors Rachel Trow & Kirsty Frame wished 95bFM to publish a response to Corey's piece, which you can read here.

Finally, As a part of a larger segment, bFM news is looking at how certain industries are being impacted by covid 19 and what advice experts may have to offer. This week Laura Kvigstad looks into how the sex work industry is being impacted. She speaks with Catherine Healy of the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective about the current state of the industry. Catherine is calling for sex workers to reach out to Winz now as the industry is expected to be hit quite hard.