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The Wire with Lachlan: October 25th, 2018

The Wire with Lachlan: October 25th, 2018

The Wire with Lachlan: October 25th, 2018 The Wire with Lachlan: October 25th, 2018, 128.65 MB
Thursday, October 25, 2018

First up on the Wire, Oscar brings us a mental health worry week and community garden combo, speaking with Yana from Papaya Stories about community and using the city to improve our mental health. Lachlan then speaks with Ben Peterson from Unions Wellington about the bus strikes going on at the moment.  Andrew Little joins Lachlan for their regular chat, this week discussing political donations and biases in the justice system when it comes to drug related offences. Finally, Ben brings us this day in history on China’s admittance to the United Nations in 1971.