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The Wire with Joe and Emilia: March 10, 2022

The Wire with Joe and Emilia: March 10, 2022

The Wire with Joe and Emilia: March 10, 2022 The Wire with Joe and Emilia: March 10, 2022, 114.71 MB
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Today on The Wire, our regular interview with Labour’s Andrew Little is back. Tuva’a speaks to Little about hospital bed capacity, health system restructure and the new Pharmac review. 

Emilia speaks to Kali Mercier, the Policy and Advocacy Manager of the New Zealand Drug Foundation about new roadside drug testing legislation.

She also talks to Tony Mitchell, Chair of Bike Auckland about the current state of cycling safety in Auckland, whether we will see a change in the urgency of reforms as gas prices get steeper, and how more kiwis turn to cost-efficient transport such as cycling.

Finally, Joe speaks to Niamh O'Flynn, the programme director for Greenpeace, who today was sailing to Helena Bay to protest against the war in Ukraine.

That's us for Thursday!