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The Wire With Jessica: November 19, 2021

The Wire With Jessica: November 19, 2021

The Wire With Jessica: November 19, 2021 The Wire With Jessica: November 19, 2021, 102.79 MB
Friday, November 19, 2021

Today on the Friday Wire, Jessica speaks to Auckland University Medical Students' Association Rainbow Communities Representative Josh McCormack about medical school interviews now including LGBTQI+ competency questions.

She also speaks to Dr Andrew Chen a Research Fellow of Koi Tū – Centre for Informed Futures, at the University of Auckland about vaccine passes, and Adam Currie from Generation Zero about decarbonising our transport system in Aotearoa.  

Producer Ilena speaks to Glenis Philip-Barbara, Assistant Maori Children’s Commissioner, on the findings of the Tō Tātou Kura Atawhai; Our Kind of Schools project.

She also speaks to Chloe Swarbrick on the Green party’s call for the government to expand the drug harm reduction programme Te Ara Oranga nationwide.

Finally she has her regular spot with Councillor Shane Henderson, where they talk about the Enabling Housing Supply Bill and Te Whau pathway.