The Wire with Jemima: October 26, 2021
The Wire with Jemima: October 26, 2021
The Wire with Jemima: October 26, 2021Tuesday, October 26, 2021
This week on the Tuesday Wire, Jemima Huston speaks to Dr Rhys Jones from the University of Auckland about the government’s new Covid Protection Framework and whether the 90 percent vaccination threshold appropriately addresses the needs of Māori and Pacific communities.
Christina Huang continues her regular segment with the Waitematā Local Board. This week she speaks to Deputy Chair Alex Bonham.
Joe Wickins talks to Ben Beaglehole from the University of Otago about his study surrounding compulsory treatment orders for mental health patients.
Finally, on Tomorrow’s World, Isla Christensen and Stella Huggins look at scientific accidents and the inventions that came from them.