The Wire with Christina: March 8, 2022
The Wire with Christina: March 8, 2022
The Wire with Christina: March 8, 2022On the Tuesday Wire, Christina spoke to AUT Professor Marcus Jones for Dear Science. Today, they discussed Russia’s exclusion from the global scientific community, new variants of Covid-19, and when the pandemic might finally be over.
She also spoke to Professor Robert MacCulloch from the Univeristy of Auckland about Christopher Luxon’s State of the Nation speech at the weekend, and the economic breakdown of the National party’s proposed tax cuts.
Trishil spoke to Dr Alys Clarke from the Auckland Bioengineering Institute about her research into a virtual placenta. The application of the placenta will allow for clinical trials to occur during pregnancy.
Trishil also spoke to Professor Jennifer Kruger into her research into the femfit technology. The tech is designed to assist women with urinary incontience with exercising their pelvic floor muscles.
And finally, Christina spoke to Dr Gwyn Easterbrook-Smith from Massey University the representation of sex workers in the media, and the stigma attached to the sex industry nearly twenty years after sex work was decriminalised in Aotearoa.